Quote of the day collection of daily inspirational quotes

  • "Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent", Persistence and success quotes, Talent vs persistence quote,Quotes about determination and success, Achieving goals through persistence, Perseverance as a key to success, quote of the day, thought for the day, daily quotes, motivational quotes, positive affirmations, uplifting quotes, daily inspiration, daily thoughts, inspirational sayings, words of wisdom, wise quotes, daily motivational quotes, inspiring quotes, best quotes, famous quotes, encouraging quotes
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  • Estee Lauder success quote analysis, working towards dreams, Estee Lauder, AchieveThroughEffort, EsteeLauderWisdom , PathToSuccess, I never dreamed about success, I worked for it, dreaming of success, quote of the day, thought for the day, daily quotes, motivational quotes, positive affirmations, uplifting quotes, daily inspiration, daily thoughts, inspirational sayings, words of wisdom, wise quotes, daily motivational quotes, inspiring quotes, best quotes, famous quotes, encouraging quotes
  • Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success - Dale Carnegie quote, Success from Failures, Resilience, Learning from Setbacks, Personal Growth, Overcoming Challenges, Adaptation, Self-Improvement, Perseverance, Transformative Power of Failure, Building Resilience, Dale Carnegie Quotes. #SuccessFromFailures #OvercomingChallenges #PersonalGrowth #DaleCarnegieQuotes #EmbraceSetbacks #TransformativePowerOfFailure #AchieveGreatness #InspiringQuotes #Perseverance #SelfImprovement
  • The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same, Road to success, road to failure, Success and Failure, Resilience, Learning from Failure, Growth Mindset, Journey to Success, Overcoming Challenges, Perseverance, Setbacks, Life Lessons, Embracing Failure, Patience, Adapting Approach.
  • Herman Melville It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation, inspiring quotes, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, quotes from Herman Melville, Herman Melville, quote of the day
  • Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what? Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident, and more and more successful meaning , Action, Imperfections, Challenges, Obstacles, Growth, Improvement, Success, Starting, Resilience, Confidence, Progress, Journey
  • Trouble with quotes is that you never know whats true scaled
  • what lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters, what lies behind us and what lies before us, what lies behind us, what lies behind us and what lies before us meaning, what lies within us quote, ralph waldo emerson what lies behind us, what lies behind us quote meaning, what lies before us emerson, tiny matters to what lies within us, What lies behind us quote meaning, What lies within us quote meaning, Ralph Waldo Emerson what lies behind us
  • Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail, who said our greatest glory is not in never falling, our greatest glory is not in never falling meaning,
  • selling is not a pushy act, startup quotes, business quotes, sales quotes
  • If you want something done right do it yourself, If you want something done right do it yourself meaning, do it yourself quote,
  • Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it, what does success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it mean, success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it report writing, success quotes, thoreau success quote, success comes to those who work for it, success comes to those who quotes
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes, do not go where the path may lead, do not follow where the path may lead, go where there is no path, go not where the path may lead, ralph waldo emerson path quote, do not go where the path may lead meaning, do not go where the path may lead poem, emerson path quote,
  • the secret of getting ahead, the secret getting ahead is getting started, the key to getting ahead is getting started, the secret to success is getting started, the secret of getting ahead is getting started motivational quotes,, mark twain quotes the secret, the secret of getting ahead is getting started
  • Every pain gives a lesson, pain changes us, meaning of change, quotes on change
  • only I can change my life, taking control of change, owning change
  • never be ashamed of a scar meaning
  • Risk more than others think is safe, care more than others think is wise, claude bissell quotes
  • don't worry about failure, you only have to be right once
  • why fit in when you were born to stand out, why fit in when i was born to stand out, why fit in when you were born, why blend in when you were born to stand out, dr seuss why fit in quote, why fit in dr seuss quote, why fit in when, why stand in when you were born to stand out, why be normal when you were born to stand out, why fit in when you can stand out quote, dr seuss why fit in when you were born
  • Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting some on yourself, Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others, happiness quotes, happiness, happy quote, Inspirational quotes, motivational quote, inspiration, motivation, quote of the day, thought for the day, daily quote, inspiring, motivating, life, self improvement, personality development, life coaching, searching for happiness, be happy, happiness meaning, the art of happiness, happiness is, happiness is a choice, make me happy, chasing happiness,
  • Business Model and Product will follow if you have the right people, People are the most important thing, Adam Neumann, Team building, team, Startup, founder, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, business, small business, innovation, leadership, startup quotes
  • Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans, making plans in life, life quotes, life, Inspirational quotes, motivational quote, inspiration, motivation, quote of the day, thought for the day, daily quote, inspiring, motivating, life, self improvement, personality development, life coaching,
  • price is what you pay, value is what you get, warren buffet price vs value quote, Warren Buffett quotes, price vs. value, investing, value investing, long-term investing, financial philosophy, decision-making, quality products, reputation, customer loyalty
  • every pain gives a lesson and every lesson changes a person, every pain gives a lesson, every pain gives a lesson meaning, abdul kalam pain quote, pain and suffering quotes, pain quote, quotes on pain, quotes on lesson, life quotes, inspirational quotes
  • learning gives creativity creativity leads to thinking, learning gives creativity, learning gives creativity abdul kalam, learning gives creativity creativity leads to thinking meaning, learning gives creativity creativity leads to thinking thinking provides knowledge knowledge makes you great, abdul kalam educational quotes
  • music was within me, lata mangeshkar quotes
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  • chase the vision not the money
  • the universe conspires to help you, the universe conspires quote, paulo coelho universe conspires, if you want something the whole universe conspires, when you want something paulo coelho, alchemist the universe conspires to make it happen,
  • Happy people focus on what they have, focus on what you have, happiness quote, happiness is focus on what you have
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  • What you’re thinking is what you’re becoming, Muhammad Ali quotes, careful what you think, inspiration, inspirational words, quote of the day, quote analysis, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, motivational words, daily quote, life quotes, life advice, thought of the day
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  • When I discover who I am I'll be free, discover who I am, being free, be yourself quote, be yourself inspiration, inspiration, inspirational words, quote of the day, quote analysis, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, motivational words, daily quote, life quotes, life advice,
  • truth will set you free, quotes about truth, meaning of truth, true quotes, quotes about life, inspiration, inspirational words, quote of the day, quote analysis, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, motivational words, daily quote, life quotes, life advice
  • not having enough time, you won't have time, making time for important things, charles buxton quote on time, time management quotes, time management inspiration, inspirational quotes, quote of the day, time quotes, daily quote
  • be yourself, original is worth more than a copy, be original, being original quote, suzy kassem quote, originality quotes, quote of the day, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, meaning of being yourself
  • define beauty, lady gaga quote on society, lady gaga quote on beauty, you define beauty, society doesnt define beauty, lady gaga inspiration, society inspiration, inspirational quotes on society, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, quote of the day
  • greatest hope of society, individuality in society, society inspiration, motivational quotes, inspirational quotes, daily quotes,
  • judgement in society, society is judgemental, society inspiration, inspirational quotes on society, society quotes, inspirational quotes, quote of the day, daily quote, you will be judged
  • society has taught me quote, I will never be good enough, you will never be good enough, impact of society on individual, society inspiration, inspirational quotes on society, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, quote of the day
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  • don't turn into something you're not, being yourself in society, society's pressure to change you, how to be yourself, society and change, quotes about society, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, daily quotes, life quotes
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  • Society is like the air, society is a necessity, is society necessary quote, quotes about society, importance of society, why is society needed, inspirational quotes, quote of the day, motivational quotes
  • society knows how to kill a man, society inspiration, inspirational words about society, motivational words about society, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, thoughts about life and society
  • security is mostly a superstition, security vs risks quote, taking risks in life quote, security quote, daily quote, quote of the day, inspirational quotes
  • The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision, having sight but no vision, difference between sight and vision, helen keller quote on vision, helen keller inspiration, helen keller quotes, inspirational quotes, quote of the day, daily quote, motivational quotes
  • The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in determination, difference between possible and impossible quote, determination quote, daily quote, quote of the day, inspirational quote, motivational quote, impossible quote
  • it is better to be hated for what you are, what you are quotes, andre gide being yourself, being loved for what you are not, meaning of being hated for who you are
  • Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction, small steps quote, small steps in the right direction, daily quotes, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes
  • John Wooden Success is Peace of Mind, success is the peace of mind, success is knowing you did your best, become the best you are capable of being, inspirational quote, motivational quote, quote of the day
  • key to happiness quote, letting each situation be quote, accepting things the way they are
  • dont be fooled by emptiness, emptiness vs happiness quote, kaskade quote,
  • things that matter are not easy, david leviathan quote, feelings of happiness are easy, happiness is not easy quote
  • happiness is not by chance, happiness is a choice, happiness quote jim rohn, happy quote
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  • strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, socrates gossip quote, socrates on ideas, gossip quotes
  • bringing someone down by gossip, gossip about hurting others, gossip influence on hurt and pain
  • be less curious about people, curious about ideas, marie curie quote on curious about people
  • rumor travels faster than truth, rumor travels quote, speed of gossip quote, will rogers gossip quote
  • dreams too small, if your dreams don't scare you, richard branson quote on dreams, dreams too small quote, quote of the day
  • thinking too long quote, to think too long often becomes its undoing, eva young quote on thinking too long
  • its not enough to be busy, quote on being busy, busy quote and meaning
  • this time like all times is a good one, ralph waldo emerson quote on time, time management quotes
  • key is not in spending time, stephen covey quote on time, investing in time quote
  • Quote on time management, don't be fooled by the calendar, making the best of time quote
  • Azim Premji on small goals, if people are not laughing at your goals, your goals are too small, dangers of small goals
  • Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached, Arise, Awake, Stop not till the goal is reached, Motivational quote, Persistence in pursuit of goals, Determined mindset, Success through perseverance, Goal achievement, Ambitious spirit, Resilient attitude, Inspirational message
  • I will drink the ocean, vivekananda persevering soul quote, vivekananda quote, vivekananda inspiration, work hard and reach the goal, quotes on perseverance, perseverance quote, success quote, dreams quote, motivational quote, inspirational quotes
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  • Narayana murthy quote, inspiring indians quote, growth is painful, change is painful, staying stuck is painful,
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  • If you don't build your dream, someone else will hire you to build theirs, build your dream, how to build your dream, Dhirubai Ambani dreams quote
  • listen to music amidst noise, vikram sarabhai noise quote, vikram sarabhai quote, inspirational quote, motivational quote, quote of the day, inspiring quotes, motivational quotes
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  • mahatma gandhi, gandhi ji, mohandas gandhi, mohandas karamchand gandhi, about mahatma gandhi, mahatma gandhi quotes, gandhi ji quotes, mahatma gandhi quotes in english, quotes of gandhiji, mahatma gandhi quotes on success, mahatma gandhi famous quotes, mahatma gandhi quotes on education, mahatma gandhi quotes with meaning, mahatma gandhi quotes on leadership, mahatma gandhi dialogue, mk gandhi quotes, mahatma gandhi motivational quotes, famous quotes of gandhiji, mahatma gandhi inspiration, gandhi inspirational quotes, mahatma gandhi motivational quotes, gandhiji motivational quotes, inspirational quotes of gandhiji, motivational quotes of gandhiji, motivational thoughts of mahatma gandhi, Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you
  • don’t limit yourself, limiting beliefs, limiting thoughts inspiration, what you believe you achieve, mary kay ash quote on beliefs
  • If people are doubting how far you can go, doubting your abilities, criticism from society, demotivation from people
  • Comfort zone, decision making, being absolutely ridiculous, being boring, going with the crowd, taking difficult decisions, playing safe
  • mahatma gandhi, gandhi ji, mohandas gandhi, mohandas karamchand gandhi, about mahatma gandhi, mahatma gandhi quotes, gandhi ji quotes, mahatma gandhi quotes in english, quotes of gandhiji, mahatma gandhi quotes on success, mahatma gandhi famous quotes, mahatma gandhi quotes on education, mahatma gandhi quotes with meaning, mahatma gandhi quotes on leadership, mahatma gandhi dialogue, mk gandhi quotes, mahatma gandhi motivational quotes, famous quotes of gandhiji, Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever – Mahatma Gandhi Motivational Quotes Our lives are as large as we make them to be. You can limit your thoughts and worry or be completely consumed by fear. But this perspective will change if you live as if to die tomorrow. Mahatma Gandhi motivational quotes ask us to question the fear of future. If you’re willing to live life at the edge and not be afraid of risks – life is bound to give you something valuable in return. Live as if you were to die tomorrow, living without regrets, driven by fear, paralysed by fear, motivational quotes, quote of the day, Mahatma Gandhi quote, comfort zone Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever – Mahatma Gandhi So many great people are afraid and not doing the things they believe in. We don’t need to fall prey into the same thought do we? Keep living on a daily basis is the central theme of Mahatma Gandhi motivational quotes. If these powerful words teach us something, it is the ability to throw fear out of the window and start living a life. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever, mahatma gandhi inspiration, gandhi inspirational quotes, mahatma gandhi motivational quotes, gandhiji motivational quotes, inspirational quotes of gandhiji, motivational quotes of gandhiji, motivational thoughts of mahatma gandhi
  • deliver more, managing customer expectations, managing expectations in agile, agile expectations and delivery
  • feel tired, doing things we do, finding energy in things we do, sparks a light within, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, quote of the day, quotes
  • overnight success, timing perseverance and hard work quote, overnight success quote, startup lessons, startup advice
  • we won’t always make the right decisions, dealing with failures, regretting decisions, wrong decisions in life
  • Darkness cannot drive out darkness meaning, darkness quote, martin luther darkness, Hate cannot drive out hate only love can do that
  • Feeling inferior, Eleanor Roosevelt quote feel inferior, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent, is it just about what we feel, handling criticism, negative outcomes, what people say, inferiority complex, no one can make you feel inferior, feeling inferior, self belief quotes, self image quotes, confidence quotes, eleanor roosevelt inferior quote
  • Nicer to your customers, customer feedback, customer development, switching cost, tipping point, customer churn. startup advice, startup lessons, be nicer to your customers
  • Time management, priorities in time management, time isn’t the main thing, time is the only thing, time spent on the business vs time spent in the business, organisation of time, weighted approach to time
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  • Zero chance of failure quote, zero chance of success quote, failure quotes, success quotes, fear quotes, perseverance quotes, startup quotes, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, quote of the day, quote analysis, risk reward ratio, business risks, risk and reward potential, deciding to give up, zero chance of success, zero chance of failure, motivational quotes, inspirational quotes
  • If you don’t like something change it, live with the situation, do something about it, the cards we are dealt with, change situation, changes in life, change quote, maya angelou if you don’t like something, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, today’s quote, quote of the day, maya angelou, choices in life
  • ideas are like rabbits, idea quotes, quotes about generating ideas, creativity quotes
  • Done is better than perfect, perfection in project management, agile processes, agile delivery, acceptance criteria, continuous improvement, acceptable quality, never going to be perfect, startup quotes, agile inspiration, startup inspiration, startup lessons, startup advice, agile processes, agile delivery, definition of done, project timelines in agile
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Be a good person don’t waste time to prove it, Paulo Coelho Thought for the day

There are two aspects to this quote of the day. The first one is about the type of person you want to become. This ties with the values, your personality and character. It is a deeply personal goal and each person’s definition of a good person is different. The main thing to remember is that these values should be self generated. We cannot fall prey into the societal pressures that demand us to be a certain way. Be a good person, but most importantly define what it means to you to become a good person.

The second part is about proving it. Proving you are a good person is a lot of work. This is wildly different from being a good person because we immediately play to the crowd. The crowd defines the values of a good person. And sometimes, this might even go against the values that you stand for. Paulo Coelho’s words resonate in today’s quote of the day to remind us what is important. If we depend on external factors and different people expect varied goodness from us, we fail before we start.

Quote of the day: The big thing is not what happens to us in life but what we do with what happens to us

This quote of the day is all about taking responsibility and ownership. When things don’t go in the direction that we want – we normally resort to complaining and blaming things. However, these rarely help. The best thing we can do at any time is to make the most of a situation. We have to figure out what to make out of this situation and find our best route ahead. It is not easy and was never promised to be so. But our challenges cannot define us, but how we react to these challenges and the outcomes we create takes us a long way ahead.

The big thing is not what happens to us in life but what we do with what happens to us, resilience quotes, what we do with what happens to us
The big thing is not what happens to us in life but what we do with what happens to us

The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story that you keep telling yourself about why you can’t achieve it – Jordan Belfort

I think the crux of this quote is – Just keep moving forward. We will have challenges that will weaken us but can’t let them take over our lives. These challenges can give us some pointers about what to change or how to use our limitations and opportunities. But if we let them become big and overpowering, they end up quashing our dreams. The question to ask really is – are we willing to let go of our goals and dreams because of these limitations?

The only thing between you and your goal, what keeps us from achieving our goals, why are we scared to chase our goals and dreams, why should one chase goals and dreams, what do we lose by not chasing our goals, chasing ones goals, chasing ones dreams
The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story that you keep telling yourself about why you can’t achieve it – Jordan Belfort

Believe you can and you’re halfway there-Theodore Roosevelt

We are made up of our beliefs. If we think we can do things, this shapes our approach and defines the quality of our effort. If we don’t believe we can do something, then we won’t have the motivation to do anything. And isn’t that accepting loss even before we start? Hence this quote of the day from Roosevelt is a powerful reminder that we have to take care of our beliefs and constantly keep our doubts away. It is these doubts that kill us and constantly haunt us.

Most people fall into this trap consistently and wonder what happens when things go wrong. The main thing is to carefully manage your beliefs. You will get doubts along the way. But they have a purpose too, they will tell you how to approach your work. Beyond that these doubts are useless. So, please think about your beliefs before the doubts settle in and make a home for themselves.

Believe you can and you’re halfway there-Theodore Roosevelt

The quote “Believe you can and you’re halfway there” by Theodore Roosevelt is a powerful reminder of the importance of self-belief in achieving success. It’s not just about having a positive attitude, but about truly believing in oneself and one’s abilities. With this belief, one can overcome self-doubt and the fear of failure, and take the necessary steps towards achieving their goals.

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Believe you can and you are halfway there – Roosevelt Quotes

This quote is a call to action, urging us to embrace our potential and strive for greatness. By believing in ourselves, we can reach our fullest potential and achieve success beyond our wildest dreams.

Price is what you pay Value is what you get – Warren Buffet

Warren Buffett’s famous quote, “Price is what you pay, value is what you get,” serves as a valuable reminder that there is a difference between the price of an asset and its intrinsic worth. While the price of an asset may fluctuate in the short term, its true value is determined by its underlying fundamentals, such as its earnings potential, quality of management, and competitive advantage.

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Price is what you pay Value is what you get

By focusing on these factors and investing for the long term, we can ensure that we get the most value for our money. This quote is a powerful reminder to look beyond short-term price fluctuations and focus on the underlying value of our investments, both in the stock market and in our everyday lives.

Better Three Hours Too Soon Than a Minute Late – William Shakespeare

Better three hours too soon than a minute late” is a quote attributed to William Shakespeare, and it emphasizes the importance of punctuality. This quote reminds us that being on time is not just a matter of politeness or courtesy; it can also have practical benefits in terms of productivity and effectiveness.

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Better Three Hours Too Soon Than a Minute Late: A Shakespearean Reminder

Whether it’s arriving for a meeting, submitting a project, or meeting a deadline, being punctual shows respect for others’ time and can help us achieve our goals more efficiently. By following this principle, we can ensure that we are always prepared and ready to take on whatever challenges come our way. As such, this quote can serve as a powerful motivator for anyone seeking to improve their time management skills and succeed in their endeavours.

Life would be tragic if it weren’t funny – Stephen Hawking

Life would be tragic if it weren’t funny” is a quote by Stephen Hawking that highlights the importance of humour in our lives. The word “tragic” here doesn’t mean that life is miserable, but rather that it can be challenging and difficult at times. However, humour and laughter can provide a much-needed break from the seriousness of life and help us see things from a different perspective.

Without humour, life would become dull and monotonous, and we would lose the ability to cope with the challenges that come our way. This quote reminds us to not take life too seriously and to find joy in the little things.

Stephen Hawking sense of humor, Stephen Hawking humor, Stephen Hawking quote, Life would be tragic if it weren’t funny, Life would be tragic, life is funny
Stephen Hawking : Life would be tragic if it weren’t funny.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win – Mahatma Gandhi

This quote by Mahatma Gandhi speaks to the journey of any individual or group who seeks to challenge the status quo. It describes the four stages of opposition that one might face when pushing for change – from being ignored to being ridiculed, to encountering active resistance, and ultimately to achieving success. This quote serves as a reminder that it takes perseverance and courage to bring about change, but that success is possible if one remains steadfast in their beliefs and actions. It encourages individuals to continue to push for progress despite the obstacles they may face.

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First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win – Mahatma Gandhi

To believe in something and not to live it is dishonest – Gandhi Quotes

Gandhiji’s quote “To believe in something and not to live it is dishonest” highlights the importance of integrity and authenticity in our beliefs and actions. It is easy to claim to believe in something, but much harder to live by those beliefs consistently. This quote reminds us that true belief requires action and that we must be true to ourselves and our values in order to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives. Living in alignment with our beliefs requires courage and commitment, but it is ultimately the most honest and rewarding way to live.

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To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest – Mahatma Gandhi

A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes

Be mindful of your thoughts, for they shape your life.” This quote by Mahatma Gandhi emphasizes the power of our thoughts and how they can impact our actions, beliefs, and overall potential. By choosing to focus on positive and optimistic thoughts, we can create a brighter future for ourselves. This quote serves as a daily reminder to take control of our thoughts and use them to shape our own destinies.

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A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes – Mahatma Gandhi

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal

We normally get distracted by challenges and setbacks. The best way is to keep moving forward and keep our eyes fixed on the end goal. As a quote of the day, it can serve as a daily dose of motivation and inspiration to stay committed to your goals and not let distractions get in the way. Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal – this is a powerful reminder from Henry Ford about the importance of staying focused on your objectives.

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Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals – Henry Ford



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