10 Brilliant Quotes On Character and reputation

And here you go with today’s quote of the day:

“Character Is Made By What You Stand For, Reputation What You Fall For”

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The debate between character and reputation goes back a long way and there have been supporters for either tenets. Most of them will not accept the fact that they support reputation over character but that’s what their Public Relations or Marketing sense tells them to do. I realize that most of our thoughts, ideas and aspirations are strongly influenced by the environment we are exposed to.

And the environment we are exposed to is constantly bombarded with advertisements, endorsements and so on. We see people who would have never used some products endorsing the very same and urging people to do the same. Although they do not do it directly, the indirect mode is quite powerful too. Well, that’s just business and they have their right to do so. But what about us.

Before answering that, let us look at the basic definition of character and reputation in life:

10 Brilliant Quotes On Character

1) Be more concerned about your character than your reputation cos character is what you really are, while reputation is merely what others think you are

– John Wooden

2) Character is like a tree and reputation is like a shadow, the shadow is what we think of, the tree is the real thing

– Abraham Lincoln

3) No change of circumstances can repair a defect in character

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

4) Character, not circumstance makes the person

– Booker.T. Washington

5) Character is the real foundation of all worthwhile success- John Hays Hammond

6) Knowledge will give you power but character, respect- Bruce Lee

7) Character is who you are under pressure, not when everything is looking fine

8) Character is the result of two things – mental attitude and the way we spend our time

9) Character like a photograph develops in darkness

10) Success is always temporary when all said and done, the only thing you’ll have left is character


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8 thoughts on “10 Brilliant Quotes On Character and reputation”

  1. Reflects the philosophy I try to live by, Vinay. These posts are extremely valuable to guide young people in choosing a life path.

    • Thank you Lata. These morals are pretty cool to live by and to strive for. Granted that we might slip a couple of times in the process, but I guess in the bigger picture, what matters is truly what is within..

  2. Brilliant quotes, Vinay. “Character like a photograph develops in darkness”- awesome one… !

    • Thank you Maniparna. I found these quotes really good. I love the one I started the post with, character is what we stand for and then found these other ones. Simply couldn’t resist adding them here :)

  3. Now I can admit that I have been addicted to your blogsbecause these are helping me in building my character.☺☺☺☺

    • Ha ha ha ha :D . Thank you Adarsh, I really like that we are able to connect to our readers through the thoughts. I think we have all had those thoughts, the questions and doubts and also that splendid strength in character which has made us the amazing people we are today. That truly deserves a bow. And we would love to keep bringing more such interesting posts. WOuld always love a suggestion mate :)


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