#pointkyahai : 7 Funny Tweets On The Silly Ironies Of Our Daily Lives

A collection of the pointless things that happen around us in our everyday lives and we wonder why it is happening or what its purpose is. Or quite simply – #pointkyahai or what’s the point in all this? Here is a collection of 9 such funny tweets which make you laugh and at the same time think

1. People Judge You!

Well, I guess this will always be there no matter what society we are in. We will be subject to judgement and ridicule and most times even made fun of. Then what is the solution? – Fighting against them?

Well thought fighting might shut a few people up, what to do about the ones who are going to talk behind your back? The best thing might just be to ignore. Maybe at the best, see if there is any logic or any important message in what they are saying. If not – develop a sense of humor, laugh it off and let the society have some fun at your expense, just don’t bother – that’s all ;)

2. Stealing Hotel Towels And Soaps

He he, this the classic example of penny wise and pound foolish. The same logic which makes us haggle with a local tender coconut vendor while we purchase coke or pepsi at the MRP without as much as a second thought. Is it just the feeling of getting back or a massage to our egos or the sense of satisfaction in the feel that we got more than the value of money? Well, nevertheless what matters more is the need and to know why we are doing something than just doing it for the empty sense of gain. 


3. The Women Eve Teasing Issue

There are going to be these hypocrites who portray the best of the faces in the society. Is it PR? Are they standing for elections? Or do they give so much of importance to the society than the sense of morality? Something to ponder about right?


4. Time On Our Cell Phones

This is a classic example of our over dependence on cell phones. I have done it a lot of times only to laugh at myself and wonder why I did it! Talk about redundancy!

5. Giving an Expensive Gift

An expensive gift tells people how much you like them and how much you are willing to spend on them is an extension of how much you care for them. Or that’s how it appears atleast. What about utility and the meaning it has on the person receiving it? What matters more – the price or value?


6. Point of Weddings

Why do two people get married? – To feed the ones attending the wedding? – An alliance for better business and money? – To show the society their status?  I think it is about time that weddings became about the people who are getting married than the rest who really have nothing to do in it!


7. Calling On Landline

This is very similar to us asking someone what they are doing in a movie theatre! :D . We do these conversation starters, they don’t have any sense at all, but they sure add to a meaningless conversation – sometimes can lead somewhere and sometimes nowhere.

These are a few idiosyncrasies which we really liked on twitter today, please do share the ones you have observed and we would love to add to this list of funny but thought provoking tweets.

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14 thoughts on “#pointkyahai : 7 Funny Tweets On The Silly Ironies Of Our Daily Lives”

  1. Absolutely enjoyable read and undoubtedly the ironies of life! I have seen people haggling with poor hapless spinach vendors for a rupee or so and taking pride in doing so and then spending thousands of bucks in food courts in malls!

    • Thank you Sunita.. He he, yeah, penny wise and pound foolish! If I recall there was a video also on the same lines where we see a man get down from a car and haggles with a coconut vendor and buys coke :P :D

  2. He He :) Funny indeed :)
    Points taken.
    Another point- Stamping on someone’s feet, though accidentally, & then asking- “Did it hurt?” :)

    • Thank you Hargun, as I was reading through the tweets on twitter, I really thought our readers would like something like this, a real experience and real people talking about it. Motivation simply doesn’t get better than that :)

    • Thank you Kalpana. he he, I really loved them all, the hotel one too, it kinda reminds me of the episode from friends where Ross and Chandler go to vermont and steal the supplies from the hotel :D :)


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