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Why do we need to label emotions – Good or Bad?

We are somehow driven into a habit of labelling emotions as good or bad. But aren't emotions just what we feel? If we are labelling them, are we limiting our options and bullying our emotions only to feel a certain way? Aren't we imprisoning our minds in the name of emotional labelling?
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Learning by doing: 4 Tips for Skill Development in a startup

Discussion about key resources available for learning by doing in a startup. For a boot strapping startup, it is very essential to have access to free resources for skill development. The skills alluded in this discussion are tangible sources such as online courses, mentors and business accelerators. Some of these resources can be put into use straight away and provide a direction for your startup to grow. Most resources highlighted in this section are free or have a boot strapping route highlighted.
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There’s always someone better – Startup Competition

A key part of being an entrepreneur or the initial days of pitching ideas hone the concept of USP - unique selling point. The focus of a USP is a huge part of a startup which makes us constantly focus on being different. It is a fair ask because most of the investors will want to know how we are different and what makes us stand out in the test of time.