Faith Is Taking The First Step When You Don’t See the whole staircase

martin luther king staircase quote, faith is taking the first step even when you don t see the whole staircase, mlk staircase quote, mlk faith is taking the first step,martin luther king jr staircase quote, martin luther king faith is taking the first step

Faith is taking the first step: Faith is a hard thing, right? It asks us to trust in something without seeing the results or proof of it working our way. Yet, we are expected to believe in it without adequate proof. Whether it is a question of religion, confidence or belief in our abilities, this question will remain the same. The answer however is not in having the results but the trust to make it work. And that’s precisely why faith is hard and so many of us lose it along the way. The truth is, sometimes it is important to lose this faith only to find a new one. Everything renews, including the definition of who we are, and what we trust and believe in.

Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it

Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it - Mahatma Gandhi

Whatever you do may seem insignificant: There’s no such thing as a small job. We must do this because how we do it sometimes matters more than just the what. If you look at it from an external perspective, we can argue that all jobs are menial. It is only when we compare what we do to someone else, that the question of worth comes into play. Each job or work has its significance, value and importance in its own right. The world cannot function without each of us playing our roles.

Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into – Mahatma Gandhi

Faith is not something to grasp it is a state to grow into - Mahatma Gandhi quote and meaning on faith, belief and conviction

Faith is not something to grasp: Why do we need to grasp or understand faith? When we try to grasp something, it becomes an intellectual exercise. Faith is about belief, a conviction that doesn’t shake you. Most importantly, it directly connects to your values and even defines who you are as a person. In this article, I don’t mean faith as a religious word. It is just your strong beliefs that hold you together. It fundamentally defines how you think, act and react to situations.

Don’t compare your beginning to Someone else’s middle

compare quotes, quote on comparing with others, dont compare with others quote, inspirational quote, motivational quote, inspire99 quote

Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle: This is such a simple thing but we keep making this mistake over and over. Comparison is one of the biggest challenges in our generation, only because it is so hard not to compare. Our social media constantly bombards us with information about someone else leading a better life and immediately we start questioning why we don’t have it. Jealousy is one thing – it tells us what we want. But this causes envy, leaving us with a pang of paying to say that our life is not good enough.

The only way to discover the limits of the possible

The only way to discover limits is to go beyond them to the impossible - Arthur C Clarke quotes

The only way to discover the limits of the possible meaning: I love these quotes that talk about what’s possible and impossible. You’ll meet a lot of realists in the world who’ll say that something you’re after is not possible. They may be right, but we have to remember that they’re limited by their own experiences. (Optimism vs realism)

All power is within you, Swami Vivekananda

All power is within you; you can do anything and everything. Believe in that, do not believe that you are weak; do not believe that you are half-crazy lunatics, as most of us do nowadays. You can do any thing and everything, without even the guidance of any one. Stand up and express the divinity within you

All power is within you: Whenever we find ourselves with reasons about why we can’t do something, we’ll need to think about this quote. There will be situations where we feel powerless and find ourselves in tough situations. But these situations pretend as if it is the end of the world. But there must be … Read more

You will never have time for anything – Charles Buxton

You will never have time for anything, If you want time, you must make it - Charles Buxton

You will never have time for anything: Time is not a given in our life. We don’t have an infinite amount of it. hence, it is essential to use it consciously and make clever decisions. This implies that we have to make time for the things that are important for us. Otherwise, the urgent things take over and leave us wondering. This is the essence of the quote by Charles Buxton – you will never have time for anything. It is up to you and me to make this time for what we want the most.

9 Practical Differences Between Manager and Entrepreneur

Differences Between Manager and Entrepreneur in a table format to explain who is a manager and who is an entrepreneur and what they do

The world of entrepreneurs, leadership and management gets blurry. In this article, we talk about some of the differences between an entrepreneur and a manager. For context, an entrepreneur is someone who takes risks and starts a business. A manager is someone in a corporate setup or an established company responsible for specific targets and outcomes.

5 Types of Startup Funding for new entrepreneurs

Types of startup funding, how to fund a startup, funding options, entrepreneur funding, funds for founders

It is hard to run a startup without money. In this article, we talk about the types of funding opportunities available for startups. As we know, the number 1 reason why startups fails is lack of money. In this discussion, we highlight the various options you have as an entrepreneur to fund your startup. Apart from this, we also talk about the various stages of funding in the startup phase depending on the stage of your growth.

4 Key Traits for what makes a good entrepreneur?

Presentation slide titled 'What Makes a Good Entrepreneur?' detailing key categories like Psychological Traits, Interpersonal Skills, Skillset and Knowledge, and Decision-Making, along with specific traits and their descriptions

What makes a good entrepreneur?: It is the ability to survive, create and grow a business. The startup world is very harsh. The most important thing in a business is to be able to survive. We know that most startups fail within the first three years. So the first sign of a potential success for a startup is when it hits the 3-year mark and you’re able to continue creating opportunities.