Happiness is not a goal, it's a by-product of a life well lived - Eleanor Roosevelt's Quotes

Happiness is not a goal, it’s a by-product of a life well lived

Happiness is not a goal: I think we have it the wrong way around when we say happiness is a goal in life. If you look long enough, you realise that happiness is elusive. We have better luck finding joy. So, I'd argue that this chase of happiness is not only elusive but a foolish pursuit. We find joy in the things we do, face them in the moment and create memories and narratives around them. In other words, what we face as joy in the current moment ends up being a definition of happiness in some cases. In this case, the quote from Eleanor Roosevelt makes us pause and ask a question about happiness. Is happiness truly the goal of life and if so how do we realise it?
Great minds discuss ideas, Average minds discuss events, Small minds discuss people - Eleanor Roosevelt's Quotes

Great minds discuss ideas – Eleanor Roosevelt

Great minds discuss ideas: It is rather a powerful quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that reminds us of the temptation of gossip and talking about people. As tempting as it is to talk about other people, ideas are more powerful. It is these ideas that rule the world, make changes and question us. These ideas have a powerful way of becoming reality and changing our world. Unless we immerse ourselves in the beauty of these ideas, we'll remain stuck in the pettiness of distractions.
martin luther king staircase quote, faith is taking the first step even when you don t see the whole staircase, mlk staircase quote, mlk faith is taking the first step,martin luther king jr staircase quote, martin luther king faith is taking the first step

Faith Is Taking The First Step When You Don’t See the whole staircase

Faith is taking the first step: Faith is a hard thing, right? It asks us to trust in something without seeing the results or proof of it working our way. Yet, we are expected to believe in it without adequate proof. Whether it is a question of religion, confidence or belief in our abilities, this question will remain the same. The answer however is not in having the results but the trust to make it work. And that's precisely why faith is hard and so many of us lose it along the way. The truth is, sometimes it is important to lose this faith only to find a new one. Everything renews, including the definition of who we are, and what we trust and believe in.
Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it - Mahatma Gandhi

Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it

Whatever you do may seem insignificant: There's no such thing as a small job. We must do this because how we do it sometimes matters more than just the what. If you look at it from an external perspective, we can argue that all jobs are menial. It is only when we compare what we do to someone else, that the question of worth comes into play. Each job or work has its significance, value and importance in its own right. The world cannot function without each of us playing our roles.
Faith is not something to grasp it is a state to grow into - Mahatma Gandhi quote and meaning on faith, belief and conviction

Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into – Mahatma Gandhi

Faith is not something to grasp: Why do we need to grasp or understand faith? When we try to grasp something, it becomes an intellectual exercise. Faith is about belief, a conviction that doesn't shake you. Most importantly, it directly connects to your values and even defines who you are as a person. In this article, I don't mean faith as a religious word. It is just your strong beliefs that hold you together. It fundamentally defines how you think, act and react to situations.
compare quotes, quote on comparing with others, dont compare with others quote, inspirational quote, motivational quote, inspire99 quote

Don’t compare your beginning to Someone else’s middle

Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle: This is such a simple thing but we keep making this mistake over and over. Comparison is one of the biggest challenges in our generation, only because it is so hard not to compare. Our social media constantly bombards us with information about someone else leading a better life and immediately we start questioning why we don't have it. Jealousy is one thing - it tells us what we want. But this causes envy, leaving us with a pang of paying to say that our life is not good enough.
The only way to discover limits is to go beyond them to the impossible - Arthur C Clarke quotes

The only way to discover the limits of the possible

The only way to discover the limits of the possible meaning: I love these quotes that talk about what's possible and impossible. You'll meet a lot of realists in the world who'll say that something you're after is not possible. They may be right, but we have to remember that they're limited by their own experiences. (Optimism vs realism)
You will never have time for anything, If you want time, you must make it - Charles Buxton

You will never have time for anything – Charles Buxton

You will never have time for anything: Time is not a given in our life. We don't have an infinite amount of it. hence, it is essential to use it consciously and make clever decisions. This implies that we have to make time for the things that are important for us. Otherwise, the urgent things take over and leave us wondering. This is the essence of the quote by Charles Buxton - you will never have time for anything. It is up to you and me to make this time for what we want the most.
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9 Differences Between Manager and Entrepreneur

In the dynamic world of business, two distinct yet interrelated roles stand out: the manager and the entrepreneur. While both contribute to an organization's success, they embody different approaches, responsibilities, and mindsets. Understanding the difference between a manager and an entrepreneur is essential for anyone navigating the realms of business and leadership