People are the most important thing – Adam Neumann
People are the most important thing – in a world full of ideas, numbers and financial projections, we shouldn’t forget that it is all about the people who make magic happen!
People are the most important thing – in a world full of ideas, numbers and financial projections, we shouldn’t forget that it is all about the people who make magic happen!
Estee Lauder’s impactful quote resonates deeply with the essence of achieving success. It underscores the importance of action and effort in realizing one’s dreams rather than simply wishing for success to come effortlessly. This quote encapsulates the principle that success is not a result of mere dreams but is earned through dedication, hard work, and relentless pursuit.
Determination_ Failure will never overtake me – Og Mandino : This quote talks about failures, spirit of determination and the strength in carrying along even when things go wrong. The human spirit is capable of amazing outomces, if we are determined enough, we can make these magical outcomes a reality in life
This article relates to the product development journey in an early stage startup. You can easily extend this to innovative developments in product where you’re focusing on agile developments with continuous feedback. However, make sure that you establish the ground rules between production code and experimental developments so that people know the value of a beta.
Embarrassed by your first version: This article is all about developing minimum viable products, gathering customer feedback and continually improving while keeping wastage minimal. One of the most important tenets of the agile process is to keep iterating as often as possible. If you’re waiting for perfection, then you’ll delay time for feedback, eventually costing … Read more
You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them – Maya Angelou I am very pleased to present this quote from Maya Angelou in our quote of the day section. As you know, our efforts have been concentrated on analysing some of these … Read more
Contrary to common beliefs – fears have a purpose. A problem shared might be a problem halved, but only if both people are working on the problem. A fear however doesn’t reduce by sharing. It can increase. Be careful while sharing your fears. As Robert Lous Stevenson says – keep your fears to yourself. Instead, share courage, optimism and help. These have a better way of giving you the desired results.
This is where it all starts, this is the prime reason as to why you started your quest in the first place and this defines your hunger for the goal. Write down all the reasons why you want to achieve this goal and stick it on a wall or the mirror or the place where … Read more
Leaders across industries have a collection of quotes that stir inspiration. However, translating this inspiration into practical steps that propel your business forward can be a hurdle. Here’s a guide on how to turn the wisdom of your favorite quotes into actionable strategies that drive your business success.
Last week at a restaurant I met my classmate, after 10 long years. As soon as I saw her, I rushed to her table to talk to her with loads of excitement and the joy of seeing someone with whom you shared good time in school reflected completely on my body language. I walked to … Read more