Your time is limited, Stay Hungry Stay Foolish

stay hungry stay foolish, dont waste time living someone elses life, steve jobs stay hungry stay foolish meaning, quote meaning and analysis stay hungry stay foolish

In this article, we explain the meaning of Steve Jobs’ quote – Your time is limited, don’t waste living someone else’s life. Stay hungry stay foolish is a fantastic way to think about being curious and show the hunger to learn and grow. It is okay to be foolish, ask questions and passionately find out why someone is doing something. Being hungry for knowledge, and user information is a powerful way of growing a product and business.

It takes nothing to join the crowd, but everything to stand alone!

It takes nothing to join the crowd but everything to stand alone - Hans F Hansen, quote about standing alone with your beliefs and staying strong to your beliefs, not following the crowd and trusting your judgement and building confidence

It takes nothing to join the crowd: This inspirational quote from Hans F Hansen is about expressing your individuality, listening to your thoughts and staying strong to the course of action. Let’s ask this question – it takes nothing to join the crowd can you recollect all the significant decisions in your life? Have you … Read more

12 Quotes on Society to reflect your Individuality

Society is weird, they ask you to be yourself and yet judge you for it

This article is a collection of quotes on society and the constant conflict with individuals. This collection represents 12 selected quotes and a brief analysis of their meaning. Society is nothing but an aggregate or a group of people. This group has its own values, thoughts and culture which influence your individuality.

The 6 Peculiar Types of People Who Advise You

This article is dedicated to the type of people who advise you. Most importantly, it is all about why these people are wrong and you should run away and find your inner voice. As much as I like learning from experience of others, I don’t think people appreciate the importance of giving advice. It is … Read more

Importance of Role Model on Self Development

Much of what you become in life depends on whom you choose to admire and copy. Warren Buffet Much of today’s inspiration is on the importance of role model in your life. This article touches on the impact of choosing the right role model for you and highlights the necessary consciousness to choose one. Before … Read more

4 Types of Mentors to build your Startup

4 Types of Mentors

4 Types of mentors: The journey of being an entrepreneur is fascinating! However, it can be quite lonely and directionless at times. If you want to have the best chance of making your business idea a success, you’ll need timely guidance. Not everyone is capable of being a mentor. Even if they are, they might not … Read more

6 People Who Don’t Deserve Your Stories – Brene Brown

6 People who don't deserve your stories, people who don't deserve your stories, don't open up with everyone, being selective about people, brene brown about people, brene brown ted talks

This article is about 6 types of people who don’t deserve your stories. We all have a story of success, failure, pain and joy to share. However, not all people deserve these stories. In fact, we have to make sure that our inner circle is made of people with whom we maintain a high level … Read more

To be yourself in a world that’s trying to make you into someone else

to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is a great accomplishment - Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes on being yourself, managing noise around you and creating your own path in life

I love the simplicity of this quote. Each time I read this quote, I find a pause that makes me think. This pause is mostly about figuring out what this means to me. And the same about understanding what this quote means and how it makes us rethink where we are. The key questions are: Who am I, what do I want and what’s the type of person that I’d like to be? You see so many beautiful complexities here. In this article, we’re trying to explore the different meanings this quote can take and make us think about

The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in determination

The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in determination, difference between possible and impossible quote, determination quote, daily quote, quote of the day, inspirational quote, motivational quote, impossible quote

This quote is all about the power of determination and perseverance in life. Determination has often won over the capability of mere skill without hard work. It is this determination which has created wonders in the world and helped people create history. As we stand in front of this quote, we ask ourselves about the … Read more

You Can’t Judge People Because They Sin Differently Than You!

You cant judge people, judging people, judging others, judging others quotes, inspirational quotes, judging others definition, judging personality

It happens unconsciously, yet a powerful way of massaging our own ego. It is scary if we try to understand the reasons why we try to do this. Hence, a powerful reminder about judging people because if we keep judging them, we have very little time to love them.