There is only one success to be able to spend your life

There is only one success to be able to spend your life meaning: This quote is about the meaning of these powerful words by Christopher Morley. The main purpose of this article is to question our definition of victory, what has influenced it and whether it still makes sense. You might be able to extend the meaning of this quote into a beautiful essay that talks about individual values, character and finding our voice.

There is only one success to be able to spend your life Meaning

I think the meaning of this quote comes back to defining our own lives and values. Most of the time, we’re swayed by the people around us to believe in their definitions of success. This quote tells us that triumph is a personal thing. Let go of the world and its definitions. They don’t define you. Only you can define your failures and values in life. This is about being yourself, finding the source of happiness and creating a difference that you believe in.

There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way - Christopher Morley quote and meaning

The central meaning of this quote is in being ourselves. Our dreams, goals and aspirations are just representations of who we are. Ultimately when we create this journey, how we achieve these goals defines our success and character. And there can’t be a better definition or meaning than this. There is only one triumph, to be able to spend your life in your own way.

Meaning of Success

The simplest definition says that it is about achieving our goals and dreams. But it’s never as simple as that. Success is a long-term meaning that shows our values, beliefs and character. It is about living our lives the way we want. Instead of this being a single outcome, success is a journey of multiple results. Sometimes, these results include failures too, but that’s the beauty of long-term vision right? The best definition I’ve seen is the quote from John Wooden –

John Wooden Success is Peace of Mind, success is the peace of mind, success is knowing you did your best, become the best you are capable of being, inspirational quote, motivational quote, quote of the day
Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming- John Wooden

What is Failure?

We might reach all our dreams, goals and even the prosperity in this world. But that doesn’t give us a satisfaction unless this is something we care about. Unless we have a clear definition of what success or failure is, our life can easily become meaningless. We’ve got to look internally and have a clear definition. Our awareness helps us identify why we do a few things and keep doing them. These are just words in the end – unless we do what we are satisfied and happy with, there’s very little point in other things.


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8 thoughts on “There is only one success to be able to spend your life”

    • Hi Mousami,

      Oh yea! Both of those are fantastic books to read. Definitely elevates the standard of thought!

      Thanks for the endorsement Mousami, now that makes two of us in support of both the books :)


    • Thank you Athena. Always a delight to hear from you. Makes me feel that the articles that go in are really worthwhile :).

      True, the society makes sure it wants to drag us along with it and at the same time wants us to stand tall and respond with absolute certainty. All said and done one truth I realize is that the society is absolutely crazy at times! Best not to listen to it :D


    • Thank you Sudha. You have been extremely supportive of the articles :). I love this genre of books, somehow makes me feel that there is so much to stop for a while, relax and follow of the train of thought which is trying to tell us something, make us realize some things which seem short. Quite unfortunate that these books are given the adequate amount of importance they deserve.

      Do let me know your thoughts on the books Sudha, it would be brilliant to converse about them..



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