I Have a Dream, A Song To Sing Meaning – Abba

I Have A Dream Meaning

Do you believe in Angels? How about Demons? How about dreams at least?

Does any of these remind you of a song?

Which is the most recent song you have heard? I am sure some of them would be talking about Shakira, some would be talking about the latest hep songs from Bollywood and I am going to take you through a tide of time, maybe to the early 2000s when a beautiful song came about dreams! YES! I am talking about ABBA – I have a dream! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Have_a_Dream_(song))

And why are we talking about the song today, well, we all have a dream don’t we? ;).

I have a dream, a song to sing

To help me cope with anything

If you see the wonder of a fairy tale

u can take the future even if you fail.

Don’t we all have a dream?

We all have a dream, we all have a life of fancy, we all want to do so many things in life, those things we are very passionate about, those things which make our heart jump with joy, those things for which we are willing to make any bloody sacrifice it takes. Yes! I have a dream too and it is a beautiful picture of a fairy tale, the various forms a dream takes and what all it can go on to mean.

I have a dream, a fantasy

To help me through reality

But why does this dream have to be such a fantasy? Don’t you think we are driving ourselves away from reality everytime we dream, but yet we do, yet we strive to make them happen. Yet we go through all those hurdles even if we see that the reality is a lot more challenging than it appears from the outset.

Fairy Tales perhaps exist

But then, here is a thought about the fairy tale

“Fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten! –


And also that is the beauty of fantasy, right? It is not a place for us to escape from reality, but it is something which motivates us, drives us ahead, and keeps pushing us at every slip and turn, which makes the reality even more real!

And my destination makes it worth the while

Pushing through the darkness still another mile.

And why do we do it? Is it the destination, is it the journey? Time and again, we have told you on this site that success is about the journey and not the destination and suddenly I seem to be rooting for a completely opposite term here!

Reality is not too far from a dream

Well, there is a slight reality in that too, the destination is something which fancies us, which makes us identify how much we love it, which makes us think how life would be when we reach there, which makes us work on our journey thus making it beautiful. You see, destination, success and journey are not separate things, they are all connected to each other to make you enjoy the process thoroughly!

I believe in angels

Something good in everything I see

I believe in angels

When I know the time is right for me

I’ll cross the stream, I have a dream.

Of course, I believe that I can realize every little thing I had thought about as a child. Not because I am an idiot, but because I love the innocence in that thought, I love the hope in it that something is going to work in my way which is going to make the dream come true.

In a life where we are constantly buzzed by challenges, sometimes it is necessary to believe that something is going to happen to bring it all into perspective. Not that someone else will do it for you, you will be the one who will be doing it, but you’d do that in some style!

And when the time is right, it all falls into place. Like it is said, “When the student is ready, the master appears”.

So… What is your dream?

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17 thoughts on “I Have a Dream, A Song To Sing Meaning – Abba”

  1. Thank you Maniparna.. He he he :D . I guess I owe it a bit to the years of typing in the chat box :D. I think it is the dreams, it is one topic which can keep me going like a mad man in a frenzy and I absolutely loved it.

    You said it Maniparna, they are all inside of us :)

    • Thank you Ruchi :). We were trying out a new type of article interspersing songs with posts. Looks like they are being received well. We hope to continue them :) and of course more variety with time to come :)

  2. Yes… whether we speak of them or not all of us have dreams.. which we fervently hope will come true :)

    • Hi Vinay first of all I am sorry , I am using the reply button for some reason I dont see the comment box.. I am sorry to Seeta too ..

      I have big dreams and I dream a lot because I think we can only fulfill our dreams if we Dream :) and I do hope and prey that they do.

      the biggest dream I have is to be a Good person ..

      • Thank you Bikram :). The discussion box opens late sometimes. It might be a problem being caused by a plug in. And sometimes it shows right at the bottom as well. Apologies for the weird discussion box. Nice to be hearing from you, hope things are going great. Its been a while since I heard.

        That’s nice to share Bikram and I am sure that most of them would comes true. I know it is harder than it sounds but I also know that it is completely worth it :)

        And that is a beautifully elegant dream to have :)

    • Thank you Seeta :). True, whether vocal are not, dreams are those beautiful things which keeps resonating within us and sometimes to the external world as well. They most certainly will, they just need what they keep asking for from us :)

  3. Yes Vinay we all do have dreams and we want it to be fulfilled. Honestly you have written such a nice blog that I don’t have words to praise it. :)

    • Thank you Alok. Yours was one view I was very keen on when I wrote this post. It was a new experiment for us also mixing the idea of a song and an article and I was anxious as to how it would be received. I am so glad that you liked it :)..

      • Thank you so much Vinay for giving so much importance, I am highly glorified with this :)

        BTW just wanted to suggest one more thing from last few posts, but forgetting every time, don’t include hyperlinks in brackets, try to make the anchor text as the part of your content, it will make it more genuine and authentic and prompt user to click on that.

        Hope you understand what I want to communicate :)

        • Well not a single bit of it is exaggerated Alok :). I was very much keen on what you would think about this :).

          That’s a very good suggestion Alok, I shall start implementing from my further posts. I somehow have a habit of using the braces more often than necessary. Will keep that in mind from the next post :)


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