Never be ashamed of a scar – 5 Meanings

Never be ashamed of a scar: We all have something, a wound/scar which we might not be too proud of. They remind us of disappointment, hurt, failure and weakness. However, they also can remind us of strength, our fighting spirit and human nature. To an extent, it doesn’t even matter whether you won after you got the scar or not. In this debate, we talk about

  • The meaning of never be ashamed of a scar,
  • How these scars can influence our future
  • What’s the best way to use them to influence others in life

Never be ashamed of a scar meaning

never be ashamed of a scar meaning
never be ashamed of a scar meaning

I love this quote – never be ashamed of a scar! This quote highlights the awful practice of hiding our failures and not accepting our situations. Failures and scars hurt. But they don’t always have to. The quote is asking you to look within and focus. What’s most important in life?

Our scars indicate that something has gone wrong and we were hurt in the past. These scars are a constant reminder that some of our failures can haunt us. Now, this is the beautiful thing about past

Oh yes! The past can hurt! But you can either run from it, or learn from it

Lion King (Source)

But the scars have a greater purpose too. In the section below, we talk about 5 valiant aspects of these scars which reinforce the meaning – Never be ashamed of a scar.

Your scars tell the truth

The scars tell us the absolute truth. They tell a real, human story of when things went wrong. The scars don’t indicate whether it was your fault or not. To be honest, it doesn’t even matter. What matters is – what did you do about it?

I will redirect your thoughts to – how to overcome failure because these scars are more emotional than physical. None of us like these scars, but they tell a powerful story of the truth. Things can and will go wrong. But if you don’t own up to your own story, who will? And what’s the point of living a lie instead of accepting the scar as it is?

They show your strength

Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! It sounds a bit romantic and you can accuse me of simplifying things. I don’t want to believe in resilience which is great for the future. However, the scars indicate that you had immense strength to endure something in life.

Most times, we tend to underplay how difficult our past was. It is never easy to overcome challenges. Beginning again after failure takes conscious and deliberate effort. The only point I’d make here is – to accept your strengths just as you’d accept your mistakes. Scars mean that you fought something and did a great effort at it.

Scars prepare you for the future

Never be ashamed of a scar, meaning of scars in life, how to deal with scars, facing fears and failure, scar quotes
Never be ashamed of a scar

This is both a Yes and No. It depends on how you treat these scars. As Randy Pausch says – we have been given a few cards that we’re dealt with. We can either use them to succeed or feel sad. Feeling sad alone doesn’t take you further. If you want something, you ought to fight for it.

The scars are a constant indicator that you fought something and moved past it. Maybe it hurts, but you ought to remember that it defined you as a person. If you don’t like what it has done to you, please change it. Don’t let the scar consume you. It is an event in the past – a lesson or caution that prepares you for the future.

They make you respect others in the journey

We all live in a world with so many other beautiful people. They’re all going through their own struggles. This reminds me of a quote – Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting their own battle. If our scars can’t help us to relate to others going through difficulties, what’s the point?

If we can’t learn from our scars and be kind to the people we meet in our path, these scars are wasted. We have a beautiful opportunity to touch so many lives as we move on our journey. These scars help massively. So, please never be ashamed of a scar. These scars can create a powerful influence to change the world as we see.

Never be ashamed of a scar, it simply means that you’re stronger than whatever was trying to hurt you

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6 thoughts on “Never be ashamed of a scar – 5 Meanings”

  1. Sometime it become tough whether it was scar or not, sometime you become confused….
    but when you are sure then you surely should not be ashamed of it.
    Very beautifully written.
    Loved it.

    • Thank you Fayaz. I truly believe that there is something wonderful about them.It is just that sometimes we are so close to the hurt that it becomes difficult to notice. The moment we are able to move past them, it is a really nice attitude to look at how much we have grown past those experiences.


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