The quote saga continues, I couldn’t help thinking about the perception is reality quote after reading this from Simon Sinek. I’m quite possibly going through a Simon Sinek phase now :D. But I’m liking the opportunity to question the perception we’ve built that influences our reality so strongly.
It might be a philosophical question to ask – what is the truth? The most common answer always lead to facts. But these facts are recorded by someone. In essence, there is always a human element/opinion in these truths. You might recall a powerful quote – Until the Lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter! Maybe the central theme of the quote is to question the perception we’re introduced to. Are they real? Do they make sense in our lives? And ultimately, is this perception helping me move ahead with my life or even expand my capabilities?
Perception is reality quote
The cynic in me says that we’ll never be able to find the ultimate reality. It will still be a perception or a recording made by someone touted as a fact. Science might give us a few pointers, but we don’t have that luxury for many things that come into our life on a daily basis.
But I do think there’s a sense in stopping a bit to question – is this really true? Or is this being morphed because of my previous experiences or my own insecurities?
It is a difficult question to ask, but if perceptions form our reality, then we should question these perceptions shouldn’t we? Our lives cannot be about unconscious thoughts which influence our emotions and actions. These are to be driven by clarity in our minds. This clarity is perhaps through questions that make us pause a little and think.
Most truths are a perception
Nothing is unilateral or unquestionable, right? The quote is resetting us back to thinking about these perceptions. The perception is reality goads us to think – if everything we’re telling ourselves is mired by our own perception – isn’t it right to question that perception?
I don’t mean attacking the perception but just curiously questioning
- Why am I thinking this way?
- Is there an alternative approach?
- Are these thoughts helping me?
Our most common tendency is to attack or ignore thoughts that we don’t like. But maybe there’s a sense in embracing an alternate view that challenges our perception. To challenge and to question is growth, isn’t it? Although sometimes we might not like the answer.
But life isn’t about liking everything, is it? What about continued growth, widening our capabilities and minds?
With that I sign off from the perception is reality quote and a few thoughts around it. I’d be very interested to know what you think.
The truth of most truths is that they are a perception, and not in fact …. true
Simon Sinek
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