Be The Millionaire of Your Happiness

Tania Luna: Be The Millionaire of Your Happiness

Tania Luna tells you how a penny made her feel like a millionaire. Watching Tania speak is a pleasure. Her radiant face and her penny’s story can help you find your lost penny. And you never know you might turn into a millionaire.

Tania Luna:

Tania Luna is the  co-founder and CEO of Surprise Industries, which help individuals and teams develop their relationship bonds. She has worked with organisations like Google, National Geographic, L’Oreal, Yahoo Ignite, and many corporate companies and conferences.

Considering that you have watched the video, let me ask you to think of your lost penny or should I be accurate and say lost pennies? We have hundreds of reasons to be happy but we crib on one particular thing. Don’t we? I agree, the expectations from our lives are very much that we tend to neglect the little things that can make us the millionaires like Tania Luna.

So what to do we do to be millionaires?

Rob a bank! :D (I am sorry I need to work a lot on my humour) But seriously, ROB. Rob some time from your everyday life to appreciate the little things that made you feel good. Here is what I follow. As I mentioned in the 9 Realistic Resolutions You Can Make For 2015, I update my happiness jar with every little happiness and when I find myself unhappy, I pick up a card from my happiness jar and yes it does refill me with smiles and happiness again. You can do the same with the journal. And one day when you feel “Nothing can make you happy” there will be plenty of things to prove you wrong.

This is just one idea I gave. I am sure you have your own ways of keeping track of your happiness ( much better than mine) Kindly rob some time from your everyday life and appreciate the little acts, update it more often and most importantly remember to look into it when you feel low.

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7 thoughts on “Be The Millionaire of Your Happiness”

  1. Being a millionaire of happiness sounds true, but people look for crispy currency notes with a belief that they are going to be more happy. However, having an attitude of gratitude is all that makes a person more happy each day.

    • “Attitude of Gratitude” Somehow like the usage of the rhyming here. That’s true Fayaz, crispy currency can sure help you with the ways to create happiness but it’s not the most important thing.

  2. TED videos are always wonderful but this one, moved me to tears. Having my own share of hardships, I have learnt, rather I practice one thing – I create my own happiness and I value each and everything.

    Thank you so very much for sharing this.


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