Making mistakes is better than faking perfection

Making mistakes is better than faking perfection: This quote is a beautiful reminder about the perils of perfection. It also opens a debate about progress vs perfection and why being perfect is bad. As much as I like the idea of perfection, it is stressful and unrealistic. The most important point is that it doesn’t allow us to make mistakes and learn from them. The beauty of making mistakes is in learning from its feedback and finding ways to move forward. It supports the idea of growth, not obsessing over mistakes and finding the strength to move forward.

In this article, we will discuss the meaning of making mistakes is better than faking perfection. We shall also talk about the desire to fake perfection and how it influences our psyche. Ultimately, it is an effort to give us the confidence to make mistakes and learn from them.

Making mistakes is better than faking perfection

This is a powerful quote about the beauty of making mistakes. While discussing this we also talk about the painful aspects of perfection. The main reasons why making mistakes is better than faking perfection are:

  • Making mistakes helps us learn from experience
  • The ability to make mistakes allows for creativity and innovation
  • Resilience and learning from mistakes go hand in hand
  • Faking perfection reduces trust and makes you unreliable
  • Making mistakes and learning from them helps us grow and define a continuous journey
Making mistakes is better than faking perfection
Making mistakes is better than faking perfection

Making mistakes helps us learn from experience

We gain a true form of learning from making mistakes in life. They help us understand our limitations, resources and opportunities. These mistakes act as points of feedback that we need to change our approach and embrace our shortcomings. Perfectionism tells us to avoid mistakes, in fact it creates a fear of being wrong altogether. What’s the point of a life where we are constantly afraid right? Instead, we need to be fearless and move forward so that we can learn, and create a continuous journey of progress in life for success.

The ability to make mistakes allows for creativity and innovation

When we are able to make mistakes, we take risks and follow new ways to achieve our goals. In a perfectionist route, this approach is discouraged because the outcomes can be unpredictable. Unfortunately, this only means following the route that others have and hence limits our possibilities. Instead, a path of making mistakes follows the idea of taking risks and doing things that haven’t been done before. In other words, it helps us to be creative and find different possibilities to reach our end goal

Resilience and learning from mistakes go hand in hand

Making mistakes, learning from them and picking ourselves up helps build resilience. The perfection route prevents these mistakes and unfortunately, an opportunity to learn and grow. Resilience builds confidence and tells us that we will survive and find confidence deep within ourselves to achieve our goals. It helps us trust ourselves and build the life that we desire. A life of fearlessness and fortitude that perfection prevents. Why not make these mistakes and build the necessary resilience.

Faking perfection reduces trust and makes you unreliable

I don’t know where faking perfection came from. Perhaps the idea was to build an image on how we would react if we had and embody a sense of confidence. However, faking perfection unfortunately messes with our confidence in the long run. It makes people distrust us and hampers our authenticity. In the long run, we are unable to accept our faults and even become obnoxious to other people. We are human beings capable of mistakes and there’s a sense of humility in accepting this and learning to move forward together.

Making mistakes and learning from them helps us grow and define a continuous journey

And finally, it is all about constant learning and growth. Once we stop growing, we die with our image. This is where faking perfection fails because it denies the possibility of learning and making mistakes. If such is the value of this fake confidence, we must ask ourselves why we should bother about this influencing our lives and instead create a better path of continuous learning and growth.

Faking perfection quotes

I found some quotes that talk about faking perfection. Some of these quotes even go to the extent of glorifying this attitude of faking perfection. Is it necessary? I’d stop for a moment and ask – what do I gain by lying to myself?

Making mistakes is better than faking perfection

Owning a mistake is greater than faking a perfection

I was born to make mistakes, not fake perfection – Drake

We learn from failure, not from success

The only person who never makes mistakes is the one who tries nothing

I’ve learnt so much from my mistakes that I’m thinking of making more.

Faking perfection quotes

These are only a few sample quotes about faking perfection, but you get the message. Ultimately perfection is an awful goal in its own. Instead of trying to achieve something unreachable, your best bet is in defining clear goals for your life and continually moving ahead. Progress is the only mark of success, everything else are mere events!

Faking Perfection Meaning

Fake it till you make it attitude: This sounds great and even makes you feel good in the short term. But in the long run, this is one of the worst advice I’ve ever received. Each time I’ve faked confidence, it has backfired at the most crucial moments. Confidence is our self worth – it needs to be earned instead of faked.

Why do people fake perfection? : Faking perfection is all about gaining confidence to do something. These are people who’re afraid to make mistakes and want to feel better through a lie. If someone gives you this advice, run away! Instead, focus on how you can work for your confidence and strength.

What do you lose by faking? : You lose your integrity and honesty through this faking. Ultimately, it gives you nothing. The faking attitude might make you feel better and massage your ego, but that’s all there’s to it. It won’t help you any further and is bound to fail big. Don’t focus on the short-term gains. Life is long enough to waste time on short-term results.


Making mistakes helps creativity and innovation:

How does faking perfection harm us:

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