#MakeLifeBetterIn3Words : 9 Inspiring Tweets And Messages

1) Work For It!

Nothing ever comes free in life, we got to put in our best efforts, we got to go through that trauma and those many challenges to make something happen. No one ever responds to a freebie, atleast not in a way that they earned it, anything that is hard earned has a sweeter fruit with it.

2) Don’t give up

Life is going to appear a little challenging, a little tough and a little irritating at times. And sometimes this happens a lot. But giving up is always the easier option. It takes a further level of character and strength to carry it beyond that. And hence, the Don’t Give Up! 


3) Make it work

Well, nothing ever is going to work on its own. It takes our effort to make things happen. It is the same thing which Ratan Tata said when he said – I don’t believe in taking the right decisions, but I believe in taking decisions and making them right. Work for it, make it realize and that is the beauty of implementation. 

4) Enjoy every moment

 Each moment is a gift, whether it wraps itself in the cloak of pain or pleasure. Each emotion has a meaning and purpose to our lives and sometimes a lesson as well. But the thing about this is that the same emotion is not going to recur at the same level again in life. It sure deserves that special recognition and sometimes a celebration too. 


5) Keep the faith

 Keep the belief on. It is very easy to lose faith when things don’t work the way we want them. But it takes a little more that that to keep our lives going. Faith may seem like a farfetched word sometimes but it sure acts like a power house of inspiration if used right. 

6) Stop Underestimating Yourself

We all do that, we all think that a project or a challenge is bigger than us. But the truth is that at some point we have to start telling ourselves that we are bigger than that. Challenges are there only to be faced and won over, not to be fall down and lose ourselves in it! 


7) Believe in yourself 

Who else have you got better to believe in? If you don’t believe in yourself, no one is going to believe you, no matter how much they love you. It is your life and it is you, you got to believe and trust in yourself or else nothing is going to work the way you want it. 

8) Ignore your haters

There is plenty of bad in this world and there are a lot of people who don’t like you – just because you come from a different culture or just cos you are smarter or dumber or just cos they don’t like being next to you. There will be lots of reasons for that, but you got to learn the power of ignorance too.


9) Think beyond yourself

We all are very important entities for ourselves in the world. But the beauty is that the world is bigger than just us and beautifully so. The moment we start looking around and looking out for these beautiful things, the more you get to see them. And that my friend is thinking beyond yourself – not just for the pain but also the pleasure and sheer magic of the world. 


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9 thoughts on “#MakeLifeBetterIn3Words : 9 Inspiring Tweets And Messages”

  1. The hashtag #MakeLifeBetterIn3Words has been trending on Twitter lately, highlighting the fact that simple actions, thoughts and reframing can be all it takes to pull yourself out of a rut. We scoured a bunch of tweets and selected 18 inspirational three-word phrases that help those figurative rainclouds dissipate.

  2. One can make out though these are simple words and quotes, there is so much depth in them. Try implementing one of them, and see how hard it is…that’s why we have some much sadness around!

    World is a beautiful place, only if we are positive :)

    • Indeed Alok, there is so much of beauty in simplicity and these three words can indeed make life beautiful if we let them to. I couldn’t agree more, each one of these is more daunting than the other. The process of self improvement will be with us forever and I believe it is really beautiful that it is so :)


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