Love Jihad: Kareena The New Mascot!

Love Jihad: Kareena The New Mascot!

Love Jihad, kareena love jihad, meaning of love jihad, vhp love jihad
Love Jihad: Kareena The Mascot

Religion and intolerance has a new low today. As I was browsing through the news, I see a disturbing image of Kareena Kapoor. Don’t worry, it is not that kind of the image I am talking about but you might want to refrain from showing to your kids. Frankly, I do not see much of a difference in the emotions that run w.r.t objectification or the way these portraits are used to promote religious intolerance.

Well enough of my opinion: Here is the NEWS!

VHP has used Kareena as the new mascot of Love Jihad. The image used is the one right here, half of which is clearly Kareena and the other half covered in a Burqa.

What is Love Jihad?

Love Jihad, also called Romeo Jihad, is an alleged activity under which young Muslim boys and men reportedly target young girls belonging to non-Muslim communities for conversion to Islam by feigning love. In this case, the claim is that Saif apparently feigned love in Kareena by the display of tattoos to convert her into Islam!

Who is VHP?

Vishwa Hindu parishad has a pretty plain and simple agenda – The Hindu agenda. They are here to highlight the religion and prevent it from waning away!

What are they trying to do?

In this case, they are trying to prevent the Love Jihad. They have launched a campaign to “reconvert” Hindu women who married Muslim men, claiming the ghar wapsi campaign must address “love jihad”.

Why Kareena?

Well, their reasoning is very logical (Of course only according to them :P). The reason being she married someone of a different community. Well it is no secret that she married Saif Ali Khan. And according to Love Jihad, it is a crime:

– To marry someone from other religion

– To flaunt tattoos of the person they love

– Public display of affection and by that I mean hugging!

Gosh! Looks like fundamentalism is hitting a new low day after day! Few days ago it was Ghar Wapsi: Forced conversion of Muslims into Hindus.

I am honestly a bit sick and tired of these religious fanatics trying to use women or even people to portray their agenda. Isn’t religion always about a personal choice? What has it got to do with an organization – whether it is VHP or someone else. Does it really matter?

I mean who is VHP or any other organization to say why Kareena married Saif? Isn’t it her own personal choice? I mean is religion or following a few practices bigger than the person and their private lives?

I have always believed that religion is an aspect which enables us to improve our lives, elevate us to a newer standard to embrace new challenges. But the way things are going, it seems like religion is more of a restriction than anything else. In such a case I would rather be happy to give up the idea of religion and forget labeling anyone or even myself as a hindu/muslim/christian.

None of it actually makes sense without respecting the person as a person, does it?!


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13 thoughts on “Love Jihad: Kareena The New Mascot!”

  1. I so agree and I too am sick of these, where are the human rights activists now, she is a human and every human has a right to choose whom they want to spend theirs lives with. I think it is the work of a handful of people who have no work but to create these mindless sensation.

    • Spot on Shweta! She is a human and the entire charade has been so inhuman. I don’t understand how one can commit heinous crimes in the name of religion and escape just cos they find religion as an excuse. Does it mean that I can go out killing someone else just because they are of a different faith?!

      Absolutely agree with you there Shweta, the jobless leading a group of a few more mindless souls!!

  2. They’ve nothing to do except working on these incidents and thereby transforming them into issues. And what imagination man… #GharWapasi #LoveJihaad !!!! Now that Sakshi Maharaj, BJP MP also opined that every Hindu woman must give birth to 4 children to protect ‘Hinduttwa’ :-O

    • He he he :D.. Looks like religion is and has always been a political brand, a way to lure people to beg for more votes. It seems that they are pushing ignorance down the throats of thousands of people so that these so called leaders can lead a more comfortable life.. But at what cost?!

  3. Come to think of it this is actually hilarious ! This is so sickening ! Are all VHPians jobless and dimwits because it seems exactly so ! Why is everybody suddenly teaching women whom they should marry or how many babies they should produce ?! You are right Vinay VHP has no right whatsoever and they should stop and be done already with their stupid ways ! :|

    • He he in a way it sure is Najm. It is very disgraceful what these guys are doing. I mean Kareena and Saif are two people who are leading their own lives. They can do anything they want, they are citizens of the country, tax paying citizens and are well respected in their own fields. What right does VHP or any other organization have in this stream to slander their love or marriage. It is their own personal choice. The only question is whether those two are happy with each other and if not they will find their own solutions. Who are these people to come and point fingers..

  4. It is TRUTH.. in uk we have this problem on a LARGE scal where muslim male are targetting young white girls and forcing them into prostitution etc etc.. It is such a shame when all this is done in the name of religion

    hard truth of life

    • Interesting line of thought Bikram. I thought it was just a phrase introduced by the fundamentalists to popularize their religious beliefs. But this introduces a new line of thought for me.

      But having said that, I also realize that there are cases of men/women pretending to love in the name of money, beauty, comfort, convenience and what not. Why does it become such a huge deal when it comes to religion?

      I am not saying that it is right, I am not even saying that it is acceptable. I think it i just cheap to take advantage of people in the name of religion..

    • It is very unfortunate Alok.. I am amazed at the audacity that it happens. And I wonder why these guys are not sued since it is a public slander. I think they should be sued for huge amounts of compensation, that will set things right!


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