Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking – A beautiful quote by Abdul Kalam on creativity and thinking. This quote is best suited for students with a curiosity and hunger for knowledge. Although most of our education system is based on marks and scoring high – there is a huge part of innovation and original thinking that people miss.
Learning gives creativity, Creativity leads to thinking, Thinking leads to knowledge,Knowledge makes you great
Abdul Kalam Educational Quotes
This quote by Abdul Kalam is a reminder for us to constantly remember that learning and creativity don’t happen in a vacuum. It needs encouragement and learning.
Learning gives creativity creativity leads to thinking
Creativity and innovation are beautiful things which are not the easiest to track but surely they change the way we see this world. Having said that – there are numerous schools of thought about how to foster creativity. Sometimes, they talk about freedom and some other times – constraints. There is no – one single thought that gives us creativity in life. I suppose that’s right because creativity is knowledge isn’t it? In other words, this is a quest to understand how to engage our creative brain consistently?

What is the meaning of – Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking
This quote is a reflection of Abdul Kalam’s educational quotes. The meaning is in its connection back to the attitude of constant learning for a student. Arguably that affects everyone.
If we are in this mindset of learning – we will be able to connect different streams of knowledge into our area of work. This is primarily the source of all creativity – learning! It is hard to pin down what you learnt and where into an outcome. But these things help. The attitude of curiosity is a precursor to all learning and knowledge.
Knowledge makes you great
Perhaps the essence of this quote is at its strongest for students. This is all about gaining knowledge. But knowledge without original thought is useless. This world respects ideas and the grit to make these ideas work. There is never a shortage of ideas – but ever a shortage of people who work on their ideas.
Knowledge alone or learning alone will not make you great. It will give you a brilliant platform, but you have to protect this attitude of curiousity, learning and developing innovation. The more opportunities you create for your mind, the better chances you have at success. These things take time, but so does anything valuable. Learning, creativity, thinking and knowledge are so beautifully interlinked that they define your success in this dimension of life.
With this background, I’d like to open this article to a discussion on your thoughts about creativity and innovation. Please share your ideas with the group on this beautiful quote by Abdul Kalam on creativity.
About Abdul Kalam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A._P._J._Abdul_Kalam
Learning without thinking is useless: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/9059465-learning-without-thinking-is-useless-thinking-without-learning-is-dangerous
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