Lal Bahadur Shastri : The Homeless Home Minister

October 2nd dates the birthday of great Indian leaders Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri. Lal Bahadur, the 3rd Prime Minister of India is an unforgettable face in freedom history. “Jai Jawan Jai Kisan” meaning “Hail the soldier, Hail the farmer” is his slogan that every Indian is aware of. The attitude and struggle of these freedom fighters inspire us. On the occasion of Lal Bahadur’s birthday here are a few untold stories of an inspiring political figure of India.

Related: Independence Day quotes, Mahatma Gandhi Quotes

Lal Bahadur Shastri : The Homeless Home Minister

  • Prime Minister of India
  • He was the Minister of External Affairs
  • He was the Minister of Home Affairs

Lal Bahadur shastri original name

Lal Bahadur’s surname was Srivastava. He stopped using it as it indicated the caste for which he belonged. He wanted to be just Lal Bahadur. He received the title Shastri (scholar) by the university on his graduation and that’s how Shastri remained forever with his name.

The Decision

Mahatma Gandhi gave a call for the youth of India to be a part of Freedom Struggle. Young Lal Bahadur was 17 years old then. He decided to leave college behind to be a part of Freedom Struggle. His mother and relatives advised him not to ruin his career for this. He was firm with his thoughts and took the decision which makes him an inspiration now.

The Dowry Story

He was 23 when he was married to Lalitha Devi. His father in-law offered him a fair amount in dowry but it was against his principles. Lal Bahadur denied taking dowry. His father in-law insisted several times for which he agreed to receive dowry in the form of a few yards of Khadi and charakha.

Path of Non-Violence

Lal Bahadur never allowed the police to fire or use lathi charge instead he asked them to use jets of water to  disperse unruly crowds.

The Homeless Home Minister

He was often made fun as “Homeless Home minister” as he didn’t own a house. He had rented a small house in Allahabad. When he resigned as a minister, he vacated the government quarters and for some time he didn’t have a place to live. Look at the corrupt politicians today and look at this man of principles. He sure has a lot to inspire people.

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16 thoughts on “Lal Bahadur Shastri : The Homeless Home Minister”

  1. Really shastri ji was a great person i read in one article that he walked without any foot wear in hot summer to the school

  2. A really very great man indeed who walked his talk. Leader in true sense and spirit. Remembering Shastri ji only on his birthday doesn’t make any sense. We should try to adopt his principles of honesty, dedication., then only it will become a meaningful way of celebrating his birthday and showing our respect towards this great man. I remember reading that he took a car on loan but the sad part is his death is still a mystery even after 48 years.

    • Yea his death is still a mystery. A great politician who installed disciplines and work ethics among people. Very true just remembering the person doesn’t make sense. It’s how well we implements the values and morals matter. Thank you for you comment.

  3. Very good post Vidyashree, I really liked the last line about him “Look at the corrupt politicians today and look at this man of principles. He sure has a lot to inspire people.” He was truly an inspiring person…

  4. Very Good article Vidya…. there are many untold stories about the real heros of our country. Lal Bahadur Shastri will always be remembered for his principles and contribution in serving and shaping the Nation….:)

  5. Hmm… Vidya, it’s better now ;)

    His greatest contribution I believe was that when he inspired every citizen to keep fast one time daily and plough own fields when US banned wheat exports to India. In fact, He – himself used to plough with a pair of oxen during those days when he gave the call to citizens.

    During his childhood, his family financial position was very tight. He had to cross a river to reach school for study. There were times when he had no penny to pay for boat. He swam lifting his books above the water.

    He was first and only Railway Minister in Indian history who took the responsibility of a railway accident and resigned from his post.

    • Thank you Ravish. Swam everyday? Wow! I read a similar story when he had to return from a fare with his friends, As he didn’t have enough money he swam all the way back to his village. People struggled so much for education back then.
      Great to know about the story you mentioned.

      • Hehe.. Alok Bhai, when two contexts overlap, meaning of a sentence changes. First when I saw you comparing me with Vidyashree, I perplexed: what’s the need? Then my eyes fell on first line of my comment and I understood. :D

        Please don’t interpret the first line with the rest. Their context are different. It was a continuation of previous conversation. Only Vidyashree could get it in right context. :)

        • Sorry Ravish Bhai if you don’t liked it, but honestly I was not at all trying to compare anything :) I just read your comment and I do accept that it was a bit confusing to me :)

          • I created the confusion and clarified it. Why you’re asking Sorry, Alok Bhai? Your generosity is always overwhelming and I loved it ;) There’s no place for such thing between us… Cheers :)

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