Do You Know What You Should Really Know

Do You Know What You Should Really Know

What are the most significant things we don’t know in this world. Is it the theory of evolution or gravity? Or is it the great scientific discoveries? RSA, a non-profit organization which provides ideas, innovative research and solutions of the current day problems has come up with a video which tells you what most people don’t know in this world.


It is what you do with your intelligence that counts

This very well reminds of great personalities of history who misused their intelligence to destroy the world. Isn’t it an absolute pity to see things happening from a man, sensible and capable enough to choose humanity over anything.

Kindness is absolute. To be kind is good.

I am sure money provides enough pleasure and happiness, but we all face that phase of life where all we need are the kind souls to keep us happy and alive.

We are bind by selfishness and ego and look beyond it for a life is a tough task. Not everybody realizes his true being. And it’s very rare for people to realize that they are destroying the peace of mankind. But once you realise, it’s never late to do something good. A well known example is the story of Alfred Nobel, the man who invented dynamite and realised how it contradicted his purpose of invention and decide to rectify the mistake and left behind something good that the world can never forget by creating Nobel Prizes.

We all know what is right actually, we pretend to ourselves that we don’t.

This reminds me of a beautiful line from Swami Vivekananda’s Karmayoga.

All knowledge, therefore, secular or spiritual, is in the human mind. In many cases it is not discovered, but remains covered, and when the covering is being slowly taken off, we say “We are learning.”

All knowledge is within. It’s just that we let the ignorance bind us tightly.

Being nice to people matters

I am sure we all know why it matters because we exactly know how it feels when someone is nice to us.

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4 thoughts on “Do You Know What You Should Really Know”

  1. Such a nice blog Vidyashree. I too support your views on “Being nice to people matters – I am sure we all know why it matters because we exactly know how it feels when someone is nice to us.” Absolute desire to read this….


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