Kind World: In The World of Podcasts

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou (Source)
mary angelou, people quotes, how you make people feel quote, mary angelou people quote

By now, I am sure you would have guessed what’s the article about! Before you think you are on the right track, let me tell you there is something more here.

Late, I am hooked to podcasts. It keeps me engaged in the gym, in the morning walks and sometimes also in the bathroom. I randomly came across a series of a podcast called “Kind World” in the Pocket Casts app. I downloaded a few episodes and started listening.

As I listened to a couple of episodes, a strong question stopped me. It asked, “When was the last time you did something kind? “ Before I could answer this I found myself searching for the meaning of Kind. The dictionary calls it the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. The synonym says it’s a kind act, good deed, act of kindness, good turn, favour, the act of assistance, service, help, or aid. A beautiful quote to remember:

My mind started classifying, accompanying your parents to a boring event,  is it a kind act? Is smiling at a stranger a kind act? Listening to someone’s sorrow is a kind act? Offering a seat to the tired a kind act? The more I asked, the more confusing it became. I either put everything under the category of kindness or threw everything out of the category.

So my confused mind finally decided on something.  It said “Listen! Whatever makes you happy and any act by someone that makes you feel good- that’s KIND!”  Well, maybe it is right or maybe it isn’t.  It just feels right and good doing something for someone. Maybe that’s what a random kind of act would do. The pleasure of seeing the comfort in someone else’s eyes because of you is a wonderful feeling, and more often it is incomparable to anything.

Coming back to the crux of this post, I wanted to share with you my current favourite podcast.  Below is the link to download for both android and apple users

Kind World- Android

Kind World- iTunes

This podcast has a collection of stories of kind acts around the world. Some will bring a smile on your face and some might not mean anything to you. One thing which I could assure you is that it at least asks you your definition of kindness. And that alone will do a lot of things.

You can follow Kind World on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr.

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