Times of crisis: A crisis doesn’t always have to be bad. There is good and bad in every situation – an opportunity within a challenge. This quote is a powerful reminder about surfacing the leader within us. A crisis tells us that something is wrong and we cannot carry on like this. Unfortunately, most people wait for someone else to come along and solve the problem. How fair is that? Why should someone come and fix our crisis?
Isn’t our crisis our responsibility? And why does someone else have to become the leader? Why can’t we be the leaders who take charge and emerge? The quote might say that good leaders emerge during a crisis. Sure, some people come along and make a difference. But it doesn’t mean that it can’t be you. The most powerful results can be seen when we take action and we are the leaders that create change. Maybe we can take that motivation from this quote today and say:
It is in times of crisis that good leaders emerge.
Rudolph W. Giuliani
It is in times of crisis that good leaders emerge!
Leadership and crisis seem to inexplicably entangled and each time a crisis presents itself, I am amazed at the type of leaders that come out. I am quite not sure of the leaders this current pandemic brings out, might be too soon to tell, but I can certainly see measures which can completely influence businesses, communities and nations together.

If you look carefully at the history – most of our leaders have emerged from a crisis. In bad situations, we look for strong characters to lead us forward. I think problems and challenges represent an opportunity for someone to step in and take charge. You or I can be this person to take charge and make a difference. The problem is when we wait for someone else to come and fix our problems. We can end up waiting forever with no change. The times of crisis demand the leader within us to rise to the occasion and do something about our situation. After all, it is asking you and I for a change. We have the power to do something about it. And it is this crisis where you can become a leader and make a change.
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