It always seems impossible until it’s done: What a powerful quote – Nelson Mandela makes us challenge the assumptions of impossible and asks us to dare to dream beyond the impossible. The most natural response when something appears impossible is to give up and move on. But there are some desires, passions and dreams that don’t let us give up.
Such dreams deserve a little more than giving up. It will mean challenging the assumptions of impossible, fighting for our conviction and the desire to make something happen. After all, it always seems impossible until it is done. And once it is done, we can inspire so many other people to bask in the glory of its ripples and do some more impossible things.
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It always seems impossible until it’s done
Impossible is a cruel world – it makes us feel weak, unimaginative and powerless. I hate that word. The power that impossible gathers is immense however, it makes most of us give up almost immediately. However, if we look at history, there are always some people who would go beyond this world impossible. These are the people who change the world and make us believe that impossible is just a mere word.

Hence, I’m excited to write about this as our quote of the day because it is all about breaking the barriers of impossible to go and find what’s possible.
Impossible makes us doubt ourselves
Every time somebody says it is impossible – this brings up a lot of connotations. It has an element of social opinion, herd mentality, personal bias, fear, uncertainty, etc. Each of these emotions is a very powerful one on its own. The word impossible makes us feel all these emotions and more at once. No wonder we won’t ask the question – what if it was possible, how would I go about doing it?
Impossible is just a word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is potential – Muhammad Ali
And the one question changes everything for most of us. This quote by Nelson Mandela, is goading us to think beyond the impossible. If we look at history, most of the inspiring things that we see today were at some point perceived impossible. So, if we let that word take hold of us, we will never be able to challenge the status quo and go beyond the limits of impossible into what’s possible.
Start with one step, break the shackles of impossible to go beyond
Once we go beyond this doubt and create a belief that our desire is possible, we start asking some beautiful questions. Some of these questions are – how I go about doing this, who can support me, and what would the world be if we were able to make this possible. You see, we ought to drive with desire and passion when we are out to do something big and bold.
The limitations of fear and conformity will not cut it. This whole business with impossible asks for a stronger resolve and only desire can fulfil that. So, perhaps the next time someone points out towards what’s impossible, maybe we can pause a bit and evaluate how much this means to us. And, if it is something that means a lot, doesn’t it deserve all the fight that we have within us? And our dreams should always have enough in them to scare us.
Key Takeaways – It always seems impossible until it’s done
This quote leaves us with some beautiful takeaways:
- Impossible is a tough word, but it is not the ultimatum – so don’t take it at face value. Everything worthwhile will always seem impossible
- There are some things that you can give up thinking it is impossible, while some other gnaw at you. Such things demand more resolve to challenge the notion of impossible
- It is depressing to think about impossible things and fight it, but oppose it from the view of desire, vision and a passion – you will find your breakthrough
- The question what if is a powerful one – it makes you identify your allies than training your mind to look for problems, don’t be shy of using it
- There’s a certain joy in proving people wrong, use that joy to break the shackles of impossible and go beyond that
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