If You Want To Be Good At Anything in Life, Be Prepared To Be Bad at it First

I think this is a strong answer for the ones who believe that we are born with special powers a lot of things are beyond our capacity. I can’t begin to count the number of people who were bad at first and then got to be so good that the entire world was in awe of their talent. The first thing I remember as I read this quote is the Michael Jordan quote which said

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

Michael Jordan

And that perhaps explains the beauty of hard work and the effort we all have to put in to get to the goals we desire so passionately. It is a bit paradoxical isn’t it – to be good at something we just started?

I mean that would be almost like demeaning the hard work and the effort required to be skilful. If that were the case, life would have been awfully easy and if I may say quite boring as well.

If You Want To Be Good At Anything in Life, Be Prepared To Be Bad at it First

Nothing worthwhile in life has ever come by wishful thinking nor by sheer luck! I would not debate luck here because I believe that it does play a role in certain cases. But even that requires a bit of hard work and being at the right place at the right time as well.

And if we are at that place for more time, then we have a greater possibility of being lucky, don’t we? And that is what we mean by our Quote of the day today.

If You Want To Be Good At Anything in Life, Be Prepared To Be Bad at it First

We know it sucks to be bad and sometimes humiliating as well. But we cannot stop there and say that we cannot do anything about it. We sure can do a lot about it and make it all count. The only question that matters is – What is more important?

  • To prevent ourselves from feeling bad or hurt?
    • OR
  • Achieving our dreams and passions.

If it were a choice between the two, then I would say – keep that ego or feeling of self-hurt away for a while. It is just feedback along your way and the feedback says – You are not that good as you thought you were. You can defend and say you are good and show all the hard work you have done. But that doesn’t matter, does it? All that matters is how hard you hit at the goal and sometimes, all it takes is everything you have got.

So, yes, there is perfect sense in being prepared to be bad at something first, after all – It is a small price to pay for the large cause. And hence,

If You Want To Be Good At Anything in Life, Be Prepared To Be Bad at it First

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9 thoughts on “If You Want To Be Good At Anything in Life, Be Prepared To Be Bad at it First”

  1. This is inspiring. In other words, it is okay if you are bad at something, you will get better provided you don’t give up.
    If this message reaches the right person at the right time, it will be so good :)

  2. This is a message so many people need to hear. Sadly even when you try and make them understand, they don’t get it. It’s a sad state of affairs when people prefer to spend their time envying someone who they think was born blessed. No one succeeded without commitment to a goal and hard work.


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