Maysoon Zayid: I have 99 problems, paralysis is just one!

” I have got 99 problems and Palsy is just one” says Maysoon Zayid in her TED TALKS. I believe we have always cursed problems in our life, how they have stood in the way of our success, how they have remained an impediment in our lives and how we would have achieved a lot if not for them. Well, lets hear to someone who really knows what problems are and what their purpose is in LIFE!

A few excerpts from her talk

1) “Please don’t feel sorry for me for palsy is just one of the problems I have” I guess we all are in situations where the problems seem big, they form a mountain of challenge themselves without much options to come out of them. What if we looked the other way round? What if we said that the problems are really small and dealt in the same way? Well if a person with greater challenges can look at it like that, maybe we can give it a try!

2) Humour is a great leveler, if you can’t make fun of your situations, if you can’t laugh at your troubles, what else can you laugh at? If the problem is already big, what is the point in trying to be very serious about it and making it even bigger?

3) The entire video will make you laugh and think at the same time as Maysoon takes you through glimpses of her life, the challenges she braved and the person she is

4) “My parents reinforced my dream that anything could be possible, I could do anything“. I guess maybe we can ask ourselves how many times we have reinforced those dreams? How many times we have given the enthusiasm it deserves?

5) “The doctor said I couldn’t walk, however I am in front of you”. All our lives people have generously told us that we cannot do something for X,Y and Z reasons amongst many others. If only we believed in everything they said, it would be impossible for us to live today. What matters is what you believe in, period!

For us, motivation is everywhere, in every form, it is just that we have to choose what we let influence us and we strongly urge this video must be one such :)

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8 thoughts on “Maysoon Zayid: I have 99 problems, paralysis is just one!”

  1. that is truly inspiring..we need to be humbled by the strength, conviction and confidence this person shows..despite the odds life has thrown at her. and here we are cribbing about such insignificant things in life…thanks for sharing :)

    • Thank you Preethi. This person is fascinating to say the least. The moment I came across this video, I was very sure that this was worth a share, so much of value and such a lively outlook of life, makes us wonder that life really can be a beautiful thing if we decide to make it one :)


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