5 Steps on – How do I stop worrying?

How do I stop worrying?: In this article, we talk about the meaning of worry and debate 5 steps to deal with worry. It is common to ask about how to stop worrying. The question itself is progressive since it has an action associated at the end of it. This stage can be powerful because it helps us to define what we need to do and move ahead from feeling sorry for ourselves.

Meaning of worry

Worry is a state of being troubled over actual or potential problems. It is the thoughts about the impact of the situation you might be in. In some ways, this worry is asking you to prepare for a calamity. Some of these calamities may be absurd or impossible. But, if the mind is worrying about it, we need to find a way around it. And that’s truly the meaning of worry – an ask to do something!

What is worry? Worry is a habit that you acquired at some point in your life. It is an emotional signal that is trying to say something. People say that you should ignore worry or distract yourself. However, doing that only increases your worry. The best way to treat any of our emotions is by doing something constructive about them. Our emotions are signals asking us to do something. Worry too is one such emotion. Our job is to investigate what it is trying to tell us without getting sucked into a negative spiral.

Here are a few steps to answer the question – how do I stop worrying?

Find out what’s worrying you

Investigate the event that has caused this worry. Most times when we’re worried, we tend to think about the repercussions. But take a step back and start thinking about what’s causing the worry. Is it a specific incident or set of incidents?

The most valuable thing you need to find from this is if your worry is an actual or potential problem. Depending on the type of problem, you can decide what action you can take. Make sure you have a dedicated time set aside for it. If you’re able to timebox worry, then you’re off to a great start in managing it. Worry time is not wasted time, it is a legitimate emotion and needs its own space and time.

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quote on worry – “Worry is like a rocking chair, it will give you something to do, but it won’t get you anywhere.” -Vance Havner”

Don’t Procrastinate

Worry can make us go into a shell and keep thinking in circles. If you’re asking yourself, how do I stop worrying, and find a way to break this chain? The best way to break a thought chain is by doing something about it. As we talked about earlier, emotion is trying to tell you to do something.

Worry diminishes once you associate an action with it. This action might be as simple as writing down what’s worrying you. Or it can be creating a plan to address the anxiety. There are some simple steps that can help you prevent procrastination.

Manage uncertainty

Maybe it’s not all about worry. This might be asking you to develop a skillset about managing uncertainty in life. Time and again there will be things that don’t go as we planned. And our future is filled with uncertainty as well. The only thing we know is what we have today.

This message is primarily asking you to find a way to deal with uncertainty

Talk to people

The best way to reduce worry is by talking to people. Maybe sometimes we’ll need to talk to people who feel sorry for us. But after a while, we want to find results. This is where having an intelligent debate with people will help you. You can’t pair up with someone who worries more than you. A healthy debate demands fresh perspective and someone who approaches it from a different viewpoint.


We talk about the power of thankfulness and gratitude that identifies each circumstance as an opportunity. It isn’t easy to consider worry as an opportunity. But it creates a legitimate emotion that creates a wave of thought. These thoughts will help you get somewhere. Instead of looking at worry as an adversary, find the friend in it who can help you answer how to stop worrying.

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12 thoughts on “5 Steps on – How do I stop worrying?”

  1. Well, the singer of this song Bobby Mc Ferrin is said to have suicided out of depression… what you think of it…do research and check. Well, we have lots of reasons to worry… I am a cyclist now since I am cycling around for now spreading awareness on Freeing Gender for Violence(: … because you can think positive but real change come through action and effort… I have cycled 8800Km till now across Tamil Nade, Kerala, Karnataka, Andra and Orisa… meet all sorts of people and told them they need to adopt a balanced view towards gender, so no one in society gets negative thoughts against any gender and they all live happily and peacefully together. It is indeed difficult to be unworried at these difficult times for various reasons… but we forget to live and act correctly in the process of worrying… you can check my cycle journeys here(: …and it is indeed becoming a challenge to continue my Ride……have good day

    • That’s kinda ironical Rajesh – about Bobby Mc Ferrin.

      I read through your profile and really admire what you are trying to accomplish and I can be more than sure that the challenges you are fraught with are perhaps unfathomable ones. Worry is a common occurrence and we certainly cannot get rid of it completely. But we sure con find ways to live with it and maybe even find inspiration from it. As we firmly believe – every emotion is a call for action and so is worry too. If this worry is leading us to a better thought and helping us think further and find ways and solutions to solve the problems we feel for, then worry sure makes sense. But then again if the worry is pushing us away from action, then it surely is a matter of concern and we need to find ways to utilise it accordingly.

  2. All thee points you mention are valid points, I read in thinking books. First thing, it is ok to worry everyone does but it is not good to let it cripple you. I am a worry creature because that’s how I am brought up, my Mom’s anxious, Dad protective and so I am generally risk aververse and negative thinker. However I read some thinking books and it helped a bit. Just don’t stop acting(: … do something activity and adventurous one is one that will teach you a lot and change you, for risk taking. Be caml, this habbit is acquired, let us not react automatically, but train to process things before acting. Act courageous I do that thesedays, even when tensed I smile, ensure I have my back straight and try not to panic, trying is the first step to achieve a big thing. Also crack jokes, do fun stuff and keep a balance with positivity so your not all negative. Anyway… just writing, all your points are good.

    • Thank you Maria :). I too came across a few in books and then a lot of them have been personal implementation as well. It took a major shift to make a few changes but they sure did improve the quality of thoughts and approach for the same. Maybe that is why experience speaks a lot more than theory can :).

      I think we are all culturally tuned, if not the family/friends/peers, it is the schools or just the society where worry seems to be an everyday aspect of life right from scoring marks to getting a job and then marriage and what not. Sometimes it feels very difficult to even participate in those conversations.

      It is an interesting advice Maria, Sometimes we do need to fake it cos the mind has a way of making problems bigger than they actually are. Faking it bit helps us reduce the intensity and look at it from the outside, thus bringing in a new perspective which we often miss when we are sucked into the worry culture. I couldn’t agree more with you, sometimes we do need to take life really light so that we can focus on the real solutions instead of the problems alone.


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