3 ways to Boost Your Self Esteem, Pride and confidence

You feel ashamed, stressed, guilty, frustrated, anxious, and many more emotions that pull you down on the emotional stability meter.

To have a low esteem is to be too strict on yourself to punish and underestimate the capability of the wonders you can do. And when you feel inferior you let it consume you to the maximum costing your confidence, happiness and inner peace.

Here is a quick fix video from Wellcast which brings out amazing videos regularly. 3 ways to boost self-esteem

3 Ways To Boost Self Esteem:

There are many ways you can boost your self esteem. In this article, we talk about 3 simple ways that are practical and you can easily follow.

Do something that you have been putting off: This is the clearest way to feel progress. The more you procrastinate, it builds fear pushes you down. Instead, if you progress, you will feel the closeness to your goal and you’ll feel the confidence build.

Gratitude: People generally talk about gratitude as a great way to build self-confidence. It helps you focus on what you have instead of worrying about what you don’t. It helps you identify both your strengths and opportunities in a new light

Treat yourself like your best friend: We are often very harsh on ourselves. Instead of finding faults endlessly, we need to be kind to ourselves and move forward with life. There’s enough to feel sad about, but you wouldn’t treat your friend harshly when times are tough – you also need a supporting hand.

More ways to build your self trust and confidence

Stop being a critic: Not at every single thing at least! Just let go of what happened. Don’t try to analyse way too much on what you did or said to someone or yourself. Do correct yourself the next time if you are wrong at something but never let your inner critic criticise you more than required – Criticize: 10 Things To Think Before You Do

Do something good every morning:  A good early morning routine can reflect more energy and enthusiasm for the day. To start a day on a positive note in one the nicest things you can gift yourself. For a better day, start it in a better way.

Talk to yourself: Ever heard this saying,” If you missed talking to yourself then probably you are missing talking to the most amazing person in this world.” What you say to yourself is what you perform. The better confidence boosters you add, the better motivated you become – Choose the words you say to yourself wisely – Sean Stephenson

Choose the right people: Look who you are with! Because it will leave an impact on you. Spend time with people who appreciate you and your time. Who values you and respects you. They are great confidence boosters.. It doesn’t mean you always have to stick to a particular group. Go diverse. make friends from all zones but make sure you are with the right ones most of the times.

Don’t Expect Perfection: You are expecting a lot out of yourself to see perfection. It’s good up to a level but above that, it will drain a lot of energy from you leading to emotional unhappiness. 5 Reasons why being perfect is bad-Progress vs Perfection

Be the lover of your life: Well there are 2 meaning here. One is to fall in love with yourself. To be proud and happy on who you are as a person and the other thing is to be the lover of your life. Just like how your lover would compliment you, appreciate you for your good, respect you, love you for the true you. Do all the things you expect him/her in terms of treating you. Be like him/her to yourself.

There are plenty other ways to boost your self-esteem. Do let us know your ways. We would love to hear. Even a small act like looking into the mirror and smiling can bring in some difference. No matter how small or silly things can look, they are making some difference in you. Don’t let the low self-esteem take you in control.

Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=260jIkRks7I

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3 thoughts on “3 ways to Boost Your Self Esteem, Pride and confidence”

  1. Great article.
    Showing the simplest and right way.
    Treat yourself as your best friend.
    Be lover of your life.

  2. Nobody is perfect. We must always remember this. This also helps us to improve. And, yes, a bit of pampering helps to boost self-esteem to a great extent. Nice post Vidyashree… :-)


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