GSLV-3: India’s Heaviest Launch Vehicle

GSLV-3: India’s Heaviest Launch Vehicle

What a proud news for India’s this morning. We are progressing swiftly in all streams. When we are still rejoicing the first Mars mission from India- The cheapest interplanetary mission ever to be undertaken, here comes one more news of celebration. ISRO launches India’s heaviest rocket GSLV-3 from Sriharikota today.

For the ones who think Indian scientists are doing excellent job with their brilliance let me highlight the point that the development for the GSLV-3 began in the early 2000s, with the first launch planned for 2009-2010. No doubt in the fact that our scientists are brilliant but it took them a lot of efforts, hard work, failures and learning to make GSLV-3 a success launch. And thus once again proving us that patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

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GSLV-3 Indian’s Heaviest Launch Vehicle

Things you should know about GSLV-3

  • GSLV-3 is India’s largest rocket


  • GSLV-3 is ISRO’s most advanced launch vehicle capable of injecting heavy satellites.


  • GSLV- 3 is intended to launch satellites into geostationary orbit (35,786 kilometers above the Earth’s equator)


  • GSLV-3 weighs 630-tonne becoming the heaviest rocket till date.


  • GSLV-3 is a CARE mission, meaning Crew Module Atmospheric Re-entry Experiment. This is a space capsule that will be taken above earth’s atmosphere by the rocket and then will be sent back.


  • GSLV-3 is an experiment to check the compatibility for manned missions which is about 5 years from now.


  • GSLV-3 will check whether it can withstand over 1600 degree Celsius.


  • If GSLV- 3 proves to withstand the heat conditions, this kind of capsule will be used to send astronauts. The manned mission is dependent on the recovery of the GSLV-3


  • If the manned mission works then India will become the fourth country in the world to have the capability of sending humans into space; So far, Russia, USA and China are the only nations having necessary technology for these kind of missions.

ISRO Chairman K Radhakrishnan on GSLV-3,

“This was a very significant day in the history of Indian space programme for the development of the advanced launch vehicle that could carry a 4-tonne class of communication satellite into orbit.”

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8 thoughts on “GSLV-3: India’s Heaviest Launch Vehicle”

  1. One More Proud moment for India. We must Say 2014 is remarkable for ISRO. Congratulate to ISRO and all of us. Love to hear more from ISRO in coming years too.

  2. With the launch of GSLV-3 we certainly have reached great heights in science and technology ! :D Very proud moment indeed and not to forget it took 10-11 years , a lot of patience that is :)


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