Great minds discuss ideas – Eleanor Roosevelt

Great minds discuss ideas: It is rather a powerful quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that reminds us of the temptation of gossip and talking about people. As tempting as it is to talk about other people, ideas are more powerful. It is these ideas that rule the world, make changes and question us. These ideas have a powerful way of becoming reality and changing our world. Unless we immerse ourselves in the beauty of these ideas, we’ll remain stuck in the pettiness of distractions.

Great Minds Discuss Ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people

The quote sums it all up. We ought to find ways to elevate our minds to the state of greatness. We all have that sense of greatness within us and also a sense of pettiness that falls into the temptation of the ‘fun stuff’. We can spend our time discussing ideas, events or people. But there are plenty of people in the world doing that.

What’s our contribution if we fall prey to the same mindset? Our sense of motivation and purpose comes from something powerful within. This cannot come out when it is stuck in petty points of discussion. Whether it is events or people, they both don’t have the same power to challenge a status quo.

Great minds discuss ideas, Average minds discuss events, Small minds discuss people - Eleanor Roosevelt's Quotes
Great minds discuss ideas, Average minds discuss events, Small minds discuss people – Eleanor Roosevelt’s Quotes

But ideas however are spectacular. They can start creating ripples on the surface and build immense waves underneath. These ideas multiply and before knowing, they can start a revolution. So, at any point, we have a choice – to decide what we want to discuss. This decision comes from a point of consciousness, being completely aware of what we are thinking and the purpose of these thoughts. When we find ourselves going astray, we must stop, pause and check and see what we are discussing. It can be an idea, event or people. But it needs to be a conscious choice.

Great minds discuss ideas, Average minds discuss events, Small minds discuss people

Eleanor Roosevelt Quotes

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Vinay Nagaraju

Product Director with 10+ years in leadership roles - team building, product strategy, coaching and mentoring are a part of my everyday responsibilities. I write about motivational words that inspire us and shape our thinking and help us go beyond these thoughts to find what our minds are telling us and evolve.