Foolery, Sir, Does Walk About The Orb Like The Sun – Shakespeare

Shakespeare has his way with the words. They make us revere him in fascination. This quote – foolery sir does walk about the orb like the sun has a very clear meaning. I came across this quote in Stratford upon Avon on a recent visit and walking around the town. Maybe it was a secret message hinted at me about my own foolery!

The central tenet I want to point in this quote is that foolery has a way of travelling across the world. Whenever we hear something, it is up to us to decide whether it really is foolery or if it makes any sense. The clear message emanating out of this quote is to pause, think and reflect before letting some content influence us.

Foolery Sir, does walk about the orb

I have been meaning to write about our favorite quote from a long time now. This was a picture I took in Stratford a couple of months – the birthplace of Shakespeare.

I like the way the entire town has aspects of Shakespeare, right from his house to the roads that have these small statues and below each one of them, there is a stone writing of some famous bits from his great works. And we present one such here today.

“Foolery, sir, does walk about the orb like the sun, it shines everywhere”


Coming to think of it, I guess it is one truth we all can relate to. Esp the times we get to sit on the high horse and an extremely convincing fool is trying to push his views on others.

That is one thing which has always puzzled me – the amount of confidence and the voice they have behind each of their opinion, even though it kinda incites people around to either oppose strongly or follow it blindly. I love the other quotes of Shakespeare, particularly the one about our doubts – our doubts are our traitors

The Irony of Foolery

I read somewhere that, the irony of the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts and the fools are so full of confidence.

Now that I have written a few words about this quote, I am trying to find the best way possible to sound non judgemental and less conceited. But I guess to an extent, I am – no matter how much I try to deny it. ‘Ideal’ is one thing and being politically right is another. But sometimes, you just got to call a sheep, a ‘Sheep’ or else – it just becomes encouraging the wrong thing. And that very strongly has a potential to create a strong impact?

Thoughts or experiences you would like to share? Stay tuned for more, I think I have a few more pictures which I would love to share :)

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