Focus on what you want: I came across this beautiful video by Simon Sinek today, talking about concentrating on what we want instead of our fears etc. When we think of something, naturally we worry about its potential of success and failure. The moment when there’s an opportunity for failure, our mind rattles in this fear and starts finding reasons as to why we will fail. However, this takes important time and energy away from things that matter the most to us. This quote – focus on what you want, not what you fear makes us think about training our mindset for concentration and the doing what’s essential. As Mark Twain says – there’s no reason to suffer more than necessary. Worry may be essential but not to the point that it stops us from taking action.
Focus on what you want meaning
It’s really simple – if you look within, most times you already know what you want. Yet, when people ask what we want, we spend time thinking about all the things that we don’t want in life. It invariably lends our mind to start thinking about all the things that we don’t want as well.
If our minds are incapable of fathoming the negative, it creates a dangerous spiral because we start concentrating on things that we don’t want. We don’t do this consciously or out of desire, but it happens in the background. Like most skills, we ought to develop them over time. The same works for training our mind to focus on what we truly want instead of distracting it with something else.
Don’t focus on what you fear
The simple examples Simon Sinek gives in this video are:
- F1 drivers having to focus on clear road instead of obstacles
- Skiying training to concentrate on gaps instead of trees
The reality is that if we concentrate on the obstacles, we will be running towards them. It naturally means that we start holding ourselves back. The same holds good for focusing on desire vs fear. Fear tells us about what can go wrong, but if we keep thinking about all the things that can go wrong. Guess what? The mind creates stories and narratives around these which act as distractions. Related: How to overcome fear
Focus on what you want quotes
Focusing on what we want needs motivation. It also requires us to avoid all noise and be mindful on our goals. These quotes give us the much-needed inspiration about focus in life. Our focus helps us drive a mindset to achieving our goals and reach our success. Hence, the more time we spend on perfecting our focus, the better chance we have on achieving our goals.
If you focus on what you don’t want, then that’s where you’ll keep steering your ship – Clare Josa
We get what we motionally focus on! Focus on what we want with passion and excitement, and presto! It’s on its way. – Lynn Grabhorn
Focusing on what you don’t have keeps you too preoccupied to enjoy the things you do have! – Andrew Farland
Learning how to rein in your thoughts and focus is going to help you to achieve your goals in life. Without focus, you can never achieve anything – Eric Phillips
Our focus is our future, and what we focus on will multiply in our life – David DeNotaris
Forget about regret, just focus; Focus on today, not on the past; Focus on what you can do, not what you didn’t do.
Focus on what you want quotes
– Catherine Pulsifer
Meaning of concentrate on what you want quotes:
All these quotes tell us the same thing – the power of concentration is a beautiful thing. It can easily ruin us or create a magical source of inspiration. We have some amount of control in deciding what we want to zero in on. Yes, it will take some effort but it is going to be worth it. If we are always focusing on what we don’t want, it forms a narrative and inspiration of its own.
From this framework, your choice looks really simple. However, it is up to us to make it work, isn’t it? Mindfulness, meditation are a few ways to help us focus and fixate our concentration on things we want. Make the things you want more visible. If needed, place it on your noticeboard to revive your direction on what you want.
Ultimately our success is in ensuring that we train our thoughts to benefit us and vice versa. If this thought bubble is consumed by the things that we don’t want, we’re already creating a story of why we won’t get it.
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