Fathers Day 2021 – Food for thought in your celebrations

Father’s day 2021: Today’s article is a recognition for Father’s day 2021. Celebrated every 3rd Sunday of June, Father’s day was created in 1908 to recall a mining incident that cost the lives of several hundreds of men in Virginia. (Source). Although I’m not entirely sold on the commercial angle of Father’s Day, it was indeed a nice gesture to trace back to its history.

2 main points presented in the article are:

  • Purpose of fathers day
  • Celebrations vs an opportunity for reflection

What does Fathers day 2021 mean?

It is often encouraging to go back to the source. If I look at my instagram feed – I see a few posts commemorating memories of their childhood and some amazing pictures of their parents. In some ways it is fabulous to see these pictures because they tell a story.

However, it does bring a question in my mind about the meaning of such events and how we reflect them in our daily lives. This is certainly not a judgement about how we treat people around us, but sometimes – I do wonder whether these events are more outward focussed than inward.

Perhaps this is to do with my personality style – I’m not the most outwardly affectionate person and tend to be of a shy nature. But I do like to question because they hold an immense strength in identifying what events mean to us.

Related: Creative ways to celebrate Mother’s Day: Mothers Day : 5 Creative Ways To Celebrate This Mothers Day With This Incredible Woman

How are you celebrating today?

It makes me cringe a little when I type celebrating fathers day. It has been now made out into a festival. Although I see the business angle for it, I still fail to recognise the impact. Most of my childhood has passed without knowing or celebrating Fathers day which makes me a bit sheepish about celebrating it now. Having said that, I also feel bad to do nothing about the day which is an opportunity to reflect and think.

Perhaps this is the meaning of the celebratory days. It is certainly less about expensive gifts or a cursory wish – more about the most expensive gift you can afford – Time. Some amount of time with your loved ones to tell them how great or thankful you feel for them.

Sorry if I sound a bit dramatic here. I do think appreciation is a much bigger present than a materialistic gesture. The marketing industry out there might call me cheap. But then again – I would question – whose agenda is it to make me feel less cheap?

Happy Fathers day 2021 to the wonderful people out there

With a couple of these thoughts, I would still like to say a very happy Fathers day 2021 to the wonderful dads out there. Also to the wonderful moms who are adequately the dads in many moments of our growing lives.

Please don’t isolate your moms on Father day. It is great to recognise and celebrate a day with your father, at the same time – I’d encourage thought about yourself and what has made you the person you are. Delve a little deeper to recognise the impact and tell them how they’ve influenced you. Perhaps that’s all they need to know :).

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