Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into – Mahatma Gandhi

Faith is not something to grasp: Why do we need to grasp or understand faith? When we try to grasp something, it becomes an intellectual exercise. Faith is about belief, a conviction that doesn’t shake you. Most importantly, it directly connects to your values and even defines who you are as a person. In this article, I don’t mean faith as a religious word. It is just your strong beliefs that hold you together. It fundamentally defines how you think, act and react to situations.

What happens if we try to understand faith? We will try to dig up theories and create a debate about what faith is. It might help us understand different perspectives about faith and give us a better understanding. In practice, however, faith is bigger than that. It has a much wider and deeper impact on who we are as people. Instead of worrying about what faith is – we can get better results by thinking about how we grow into this faith. (Meaning of Faith)

Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into

The words faith, belief and conviction are closely related. Loosely speaking, faith starts from a belief. As the belief gets stronger, it becomes a conviction. A conviction is when someone can’t easily question a belief. In other words, it has gone beyond any doubts and every fibre in your body believes in that. The faith however is a conviction that has been with you for a long time. It has a history and longevity that makes you strong.

Faith is not something to grasp it is a state to grow into - Mahatma Gandhi quote and meaning on faith, belief and conviction
Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into – Mahatma Gandhi Quotes

Hence the words – faith is not something to grasp. It is something to grow into because faith takes time, patience and questioning your beliefs to earn their place in your mind. For a moment, let’s forget the intellectual debate about faith and focus on its purpose. Faith helps us define ourselves and create a narrative about who we are. We have faith about our values, and the type of people we trust and connect with. It also gives us clarity at times of conflict. Hence, it plays an important role in our life. Sometimes, our faith is created by our environment. We don’t question this faith enough. The trust in this type of faith has been implicit. It is our moral obligation to define, question and let faith earn its place.

It is all about trying to be conscious of what defines us and taking away some of the things that define us without our knowledge. If you look deep enough, that’s the role of education, isn’t it? We have to question our faith – not to dispute it or call it wrong. But the most important thing about faith is that it can’t be blind. And the best way to truly believe in something is by questioning it till you find the answers to it. More importantly, you also will need to find a definition as to how this faith helps you. And truly enough, you can change your faith – it is all about the types of beliefs that you expose yourself to.

Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into

Mahatma Gandhi Quotes

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