Every pain gives a lesson and every lesson changes a person

Every pain gives a lesson and every lesson changes a person: We often ignore pain and distract ourselves from facing it. It is never nice to feel this pain – a distraction however gives us an easy, quick route to stop feeling this pain. Distractions can help in the short term, but they fail us with time. I love this quote by Abdul Kalam because it talks about the importance of pain, lessons it imparts and finally leads us to the point of self-reliance which enables us to take charge and do something about the pain.

Our pains have a beautiful purpose of warning us, giving us lessons and telling us to change so that we can get what we want. It asks us to re-evaluate our life and question our approaches. The problem however is that it isn’t always clear to take the right feedback because our mind is clouded in the effect of pain. This quote offers some solace in pointing us to the right direction. It is all about the lesson that the pain is offering to make our life better.

Every Pain gives a Lesson

Pain is a powerful teacher. It makes us remember things more intently leaving us with lesson that we don’t forget easily. Success on the other hand can create a false impression that it was all because our hard work. Although hard work is a part of it, it is naïve to think that there was nothing else that contributed to this success.

Don’t read success stories, you will only get a messageRead failure stories, you will get some ideas to get success

Pain on the other hand starts with denial and finally leads to acceptance. This acceptance gives us lessons that are hard to forget. Each pain gives a lesson. Once that happens, it is up to us to decide what we make out of it.

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Every pain gives a lesson and every lesson changes a person

What do we do when we are in pain?

The most important thing when something wrong happens is the amount of time we spend in self-reflection. The most common response is to feel sorry for ourselves. It makes us come across the victim, feel helpless and gain all the sympathy we can muster. But this sympathy cannot change anything. Change happens on the when we take it upon ourselves and decide what to do about it.

The problem occurs when we remain in this stage of helplessness for too long instead of taking charge and doing something about the situation. Instead, as Kalam says, we should start looking out for the lesson in this circumstance. Every pain has a potential to give us the lesson. Once we know what the lesson is, we can do something about it.

Every pain gives a lesson and every lesson changes a person – Abdul Kalam (Source)

Every Lesson Changes a Person

The one constant thing with everyone is change! These changes are either self-motivated or forced on us. Pain has a way of forcing these changes on us thus reinforcing the point – each pain gives a lesson. The main lesson is about how we change to adapt to the situation and how we respond to it. We can use any strategy, and each strategy takes its own route. Ultimately, the person within us is changing as we adapt and try to go after what we want.

The main takeaways from this quote – Every Pain gives a lesson and every lesson changes a person by Abdul Kalam are:

  • You cannot escape pain, instead of worrying about it, find the hidden lesson
  • Change is inevitable, better do that on your own terms before life forces it on you
  • Pain is important, just like joy – don’t distract yourself from it – listen to what it is trying to tell you
  • Punishment and pain are two different things, if you change, everything around you changes
  • Your only friend is the action that you take after something goes wrong, so don’t waste a lot of time in feeling sorry for yourself.


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