Either you run the day or the day runs you – Jim Rohn

Either you run the day or the day runs you: Take control, lead the day. This is in short what the quote is telling us to do. However, we all know how hard sometimes things are. We just have to follow the motions and get through the day. Although we may never be able to follow this quote to the letter, I like the principle of this quote. The main point for me is that when the day runs us, we get busy and lose track of things. This is exactly how the most important things in our life take a backseat. Because we are so busy responding to the demands of the day, we don’t have time to do what’s important for us.

Either you run the day or the day runs you

This is a good example of the day running us – responding to the demands of the day, being constantly busy – hopping from one thing to another without getting the satisfaction of achieving something. If you resonate with any of these, you’re already sucked into the trap of the day running you. Each of our days is a gift, the same 24 hours that go astray if we don’t make use of them. I appreciate that we’ll have to do a few things that the day demands from us. There’s no escape from this.

Either you run the day or the day runs you - Jim Rohn Quote. Either you run the day or the day runs you: Take control, lead the day. This is in short what the quote is telling us to do. However, we all know how hard sometimes things are. We just have to follow the motions and get through the day. Although we may never be able to follow this quote to the letter, I like the principle of this quote. The main point for me is that when the day runs us, we get busy and lose track of things. This is exactly how the most important things in our life take a backseat. Because we are so busy responding to the demands of the day, we don't have time to do what's important for us.
Either you run the day or the day runs you – Jim Rohn Quotes

However, the question to ask is – at what cost? If the day runs us at the cost of our priorities, which are important to us, it indicates that we are focusing on the wrong things. If you don’t know what’s important to you, how will you run the day? The first step to running your day is by identifying the most important things for you. The best way to do this is through the Eisenhower time management matrix which gives a pictorial representation of busy vs important demands on your time.

Once we identify these things, the next step is to create time for doing them. Don’t let the unconscious motion of a day take over what’s yours. This time like any other time is a precious one. If you don’t make full use of it, this will serve someone else’s need. Reorient your priorities and figure out a space to run your day by doing things that matter to you.

Either you run the day or the day runs you

Jim Rohn

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3 thoughts on “Either you run the day or the day runs you – Jim Rohn”

  1. It is very important to plan and prioritise works on a day. If we do this, we may have a satisfaction at the end of the day that we have accomplished something.

    • Very true Abhijit, it does get overwhelming at times to sort these priorities, especially when there are so many of them. I personally find a To DO list very compelling. Recently I have come across a software called Trello which enables you to manage these TO DO lists better and prioritise them based on needs. It is a freeware which I have found quite sensible to help with the thought process. Sort of goes back to the idea of Eisenhower matrix for time management.

      As always a pleasure to converse with you.


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