Each soul is potentially divine Meaning – Swami Vivekananda

I’m an avid fan of Vivekananda and his words – today’s focus is on the quote, each soul is potentially divine. I can counter this by saying, if everyone is divine, why is there so much pain in the world? Perhaps we are not all focused on finding this divinity and instead responding to the inner demons which don’t care about the world. Anyway, back to the point of the meaning of this quote – what does it mean to say each soul is potentially divine?

I can immediately think of the word potential and start wondering, how do we achieve this divinity that Vivekananda talks about? Is it even possible? Maybe, and that maybe is a great starting point for us to try and understand how we take this quote in our life and move forward.

Each soul is potentially divine Meaning

With this premise, we start the meaning of this quote with deep respect for our inner selves. Maybe we call that soul or find a different word to it. But the reference here is to something inherent – the character, personality and our ability to be beyond our selfish desires. Once we start looking at the world beyond ourselves, maybe we open up to the divinity.

Each soul is potentially Divine, Vivekananda quotes on divinity soul and finding the spirituality

If you were looking for spiritual advice, I’m afraid this is a wrong place. But from a motivation and inspiration point of view, I can only encourage to look within and understand why we do what we do. What drives us and how are our values shaped? These questions give us answers about our approach to the world. And if we have that divinity within us, the best ways to reach it is through kindness, love and respect to ourselves and others in this life.

And yes, these are all potentials – we give in to our desires and selfish needs at times. It isn’t bad – but our divinity will ask us to go beyond and take tough decisions. It won’t be comfortable but it will be the right thing to do. Think of it this way – divinity is that inner voice which keeps telling you to do the right thing. Each time we do that right thing, we reach closer to our potential. Hence,

Each soul is potentially Divine

Swami Vivekananda

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Vinay Nagaraju

Product Director with 10+ years in leadership roles - team building, product strategy, coaching and mentoring are a part of my everyday responsibilities. I write about motivational words that inspire us and shape our thinking and help us go beyond these thoughts to find what our minds are telling us and evolve.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Matheikal

    Spirituality is looking within and seeing one’s divinity which in turn will reveal others’ divinity. The world has forgotten that. It’s good you remind us.

    1. Vinay Nagaraju

      Thanks, you’re kind to say that – I’ve been wondering about the meaning of this all – what spirituality means to our own personal development, who we are as people – self definition and all that stuff – I don’t think I understand any of it, the only connection I can make is that we have to keep improving and recognising that there’s something pure and beautiful within us which needs to be surfaced.

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