Drugs Are Not Always Necessary But Belief In Recovery Is – Norman Cousins Self Belief Quote

Norman Cousins Self Belief Quote:

“Drugs are not always necessary, but belief in recovery is”

– Norman Cousins

Whether you believe you can do something or whether you believe you cannot –  You Are Right? Does this quote sound any familiar?

I guess both these are essentially the same, they both are self belief quotes, belief in one’s capabilities and reaching out to the stars. There is a dreamer in each one of us and we all love to reach for the stars and realize our dreams. But at times it so happens that we are challenged by the incidents happening around us.

Some of these incidents make us question ourselves and even wonder if we are capable of doing something or not. I guess these are the times when this self belief quote comes into picture. True, we are hurt and we feel that we need some help. And we also know that the help can come from anywhere – friends, family, a stranger. But most times we are so caught up in the situation that we tend to forget one very important source.

Yes! I am talking about ourselves! 

Most times we are so caught up in looking up to people that we do not realize the amount of strength within us. Through no one’s fault, we realize that we have started believing in someone or something else to solve our problems. Especially when situations are daunting, we tend to believe others a lot more than we believe ourselves. Again, it is not a mistake, it is just a bad place to be in.

I can certainly understand that. But just my understanding doesn’t solve your problems does it? As we have repeatedly said in this site, we are not just about making you feel better. We are not going to tell you that life is going to be amazing even when you have those big daunting challenges.

But we are going to tell you that you can pull through it. We are going to tell you that you have more than what you think in yourselves to make your actions count and work your way to finding the solutions. I understand the need to find comfort in someone or something else. But the more we look for it, the less we see it!

We all are pretty experienced people aren’t we? We have had our share of problems in life. Look back at all those situations where you faced these challenges? Who came to your help? 

How many people stood by your side and made sure that you pulled through? If it was anything like mine, I realized that most times people can’t really help you even if they want to. They can’t make a difference cos they cannot really understand what is going on in your life. You are leading your own crusade of life and you got to believe that only you can solve your problems in life.

The more you start believing in someone or something else, the responsibility fixation is gone and the more dependent we become. No one likes a completely dependent person, not even us right? Then why should others?

You have a challenge, then go ahead and find ways to fix it. People will come to help, take it. But don’t depend on it. You have the most reliable resource for you – Make the most of it. 

And that is why it is said – drugs are not always necessary, but they are there, they will help you – but then cannot cure you completely.

It is you who can take life in control and you who can make it all count. And that is our quote for the day.

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8 thoughts on “Drugs Are Not Always Necessary But Belief In Recovery Is – Norman Cousins Self Belief Quote”

  1. Thanks a ton Vinay !! Right time ..Right post for me. I have handled so much in my life .However, at this point in time,I am looking for ways /things/people to assure me that I can do/achieve that special thing .It is like a god sent reminder for me to look within me. Keep inspiring as you always do.

    • Happy to know this helped Gowtham :).. I understand the feeling mate.

      Infact this takes me back to the time when I had got my IAS exam results. I had made it to the interview in both my first two attempts and I was almost sure both times that I would get somewhere. But both times something or the other went wrong and I was in a very bad place and didn’t really know what to do and how to go ahead from there. Life seemed really very difficult and very challenging.

      But then, maybe it was my friends or the people I know or the books, eventually I was able to find a way out of it. Life really sucks sometimes and we really look for people who give those reassurances. People would keep telling me that things would be ok the next time and I would question – HOW? I mean how does anyone know that things can be better?!

      But then like you said, people need not mean everything they say, and sympathy is easy to give – it will not lead to the solution. Only we can do somehthing about it.

      Well, that’s an experience of mine about 3-4 years ago now.. Hope that helps :)

      Cheers mate, hope to keep seeing you more here :)

    • Thank you Maniparna. True, I guess it is one of the most elegant lessons of life – about taking care of ourselves and finding ways to solve our problems. Sure, there will be helpful people around us, but they really cant help us unless we help ourselves.

  2. Rightly said, I so agree to the point as many times i look back and feel how did i even handle something where did i get the strength from, its the will to do it right :)

    • Thank you Shweta :) .. I think we all have access to that beautiful and magical resource of strength which comes out esp when we expect it the least. No wonder it is magical :)


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