No one has the authority to tell you what you should or shouldn’t think about yourself. You are the creator of this world around you. Only you get to say what you’re capable of and not. We all have our doubts, challenges and worries. We don’t need someone else to tell us what we’re capable of or not. Unfortunately, this is the very things that’s dominant in the world. People often try to influence us about what we should do or not. It sometimes gets too personal and requires strength to push them back and tell them to mind their business.
We have to make way for these miracles by trusting our gut, desires and judgments in the process. Hence – don’t let someone tell you that you can’t do something. And if they tell you, then don’t take it too seriously. Focus on the feedback in this message – try to use it constructively in devising how you can achieve your desires. Everything else is a waste of your time.
Don’t let someone tell you that you can’t do something
This quote is very emphatic because it tells you that no matter how close someone is to you – even they don’t hold the power to tell you that you can’t do something. We can surprise everyone in this world including ourselves. When you’ve got such immense power within you, handing it over to someone else to define what you can or can’t do is folly.

We must find a way to step away from limiting beliefs as they can pull us down. Our desires are supposed to be dreamy. They must make us dream big, fear the possibilities and challenge us. Amidst these complex emotions, we arise and find ways to realise our goals. Amidst these complex scenarios, we don’t need an external person coming and telling us that we can’t do something. No one has the capability to a judge your inner strength or weakness. Only you hold that type of strength and ability to make the impact. Every other statement must be treated with a pinch of salt.
Don’t let someone tell you that you can’t do something
Pursuit of Happyness
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nicely penned thought…this is one of my favourite movies & the favourite scene from it.
Thank you Shwetha :).. It’s a beautiful movie scene and an amazingly inspiring dialogue !
suggestion is a powerful thing…when we do hear a number of people telling us that you cant do it, the idea kind of settles in your head. But I think people who say that, actually believe that we can…and out of fear or jealousy that we may actually succeed, or out of the fear of how their lives may change if we succeed, or just because they cant do it themselves or have preconceived notions about it, try to stop us from doing what we want. but like you have rightly said, “beyond that all that matters is your inner mettle. Make it all matter!” nice write up :)
Thank you Preethi :) . That’s a lovely thought, it makes a perfect validation – people who say that actually believe we can! Jealousy, preconceived notions, and more reasons to add but like you said- what matters is the inner mettle :)
This is a motivating quote; very inspiring
Thank you Easwar, always great to hear from you :)
Vinay .. fabulous post … its only when we know our metal can we prove it to the world .. and make the world agree !!
Thank you my mate. You always have such nice words to say. I really loved writing this one. And the quote and the thought of proving the inner mettle – class at its own accord :)
Hi, This is an interesting post about believing in yourself. But I also think that when we say ” Don’t let people say you cannot do something” we must also remember that everyone cannot do everything. Some of us can do something and some do something else. But what each of us can do is unique and that has to be recognized and appreciated!
Thank you Meera :) ..
True everyone may not be very well equipped to do everything. But at the same time if we offer the persistence and action something would demand I’m sure there’d be a way to accomplish it. I think how much we want something would go a long way in telling how close we get.
Thank you for your thoughts Meera. Would love to see more of such lovely thoughts coming
This is my all time favourite motivational scene from a movie :-)
Amazing alla! I like the way he says e cannot be a basketball player and then says this in the very next scene. So powerful !!:)