Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle: This is such a simple thing but we keep making this mistake over and over. Comparison is one of the biggest challenges in our generation, only because it is so hard not to compare. Our social media constantly bombards us with information about someone else leading a better life and immediately we start questioning why we don’t have it. Jealousy is one thing – it tells us what we want. But this causes envy, leaving us with a pang of paying to say that our life is not good enough.
For all those moments, when you feel like your life is not right – this quote by Thorin Klosowski has something to offer. Our journey in life is different from someone else’s. We will never know the challenges and opportunities someone else has had to arrive at that point in life. We can only compare the results and question why we don’t have it. But it isn’t fair because we may be comparing a different journey altogether or a different timeline.
Don’t compare your beginning with someone else’s middle
The solution is simple – just don’t compare. But we all know that it is hard. Perhaps instead of beating ourselves up for comparing, if we spend time understanding the context, it helps us a bit more. when you compare to someone, it tells you what you want out of your life. You may not have it but it indicates your desire. Focus on that – it is telling you something, about what you want. Try to find out why you want it. this is a great source of inspiration. Hold on to it.

Now the second part is – work backwards from this desire. You still want the result, don’t you? If your heart says yes, find out how to get there. Use this as an inspiration. The feeling you get is not a waste, it is always trying to tell you something. But don’t do the mistake of comparing what to someone else and feel bad or envious about it. That feeling will not take you anywhere but make you feel bad about yourself. In this case, you’re being unfair to yourself because you’re not comparing like for like.
Don’t compare your beginning with someone else’s middle
– Thorin Klosowski
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Man ! I have to say, You just bring out the best point. I suffered with it a lot, How can I improve that?
It always takes time, I know that, but still :( Any tips? look forward to that. Great Article.
Thank you so much Sourav, these words mean a lot to me :). The last few days, we have been trying to focus on the new type of articles and I am very happy to know that we are able to connect better.
I guess we all do that, somewhere we just have to stop and identify if it is actually drawing us down and playing with our confidence. If that is the case, each time something like that happens – I try to manage a diary and see how I can replace that behavior with something else. Instead of justifying I try to accept something I am not good at and see how I can be good at that. Not that it works all the time, but it certainly makes life a little bit easier and gives me an opportunity to talk to these people who are doing it well and seek their help.
I think it has somehow to do with consciously looking beyond the shortcomings if that makes any sense .. :)..
Very well said Vinay. Our lives are full of comparisons for the wrong reasons. If we ever compare to improve ourselves, then it would be a different world for us and the society.
Thank you Fayaz, nice to hear from you. It had been a while since I got in touch. Hope things are going great.
I agree, somehow I guess it is ingrained in our thought process, maybe by the society or the people around us – maybe the good thing there is that it makes us elevate our standards, but the real challenge is to maintain the confidence while being competitive as well. I find that quite an interesting mix.
That is a nice way of looking at things I would say, the way to look within and see how far we have come and how long we have to go. Maybe that helps bridge the gap and helps us go forward with our lives..
Right..we are quite hypocrites as far as comparison is concerned. We keep on comparing ourselves and others…rather by instinct. A quote we should always remember.
Loving this quote of the day series. Wonderful compilation, Vinay… :-)
Thank you Maniparna, I am really glad you liked it. This time I thought I would take it seriously and make sure I come up with atleast one each day and I have been pretty happy the way they are turning out. I would still like to gain more interaction with the readers though, something you do it very well on your site. I see that you have a charming way of having them engaged. Any suggestions?