The moment someone says – #DoYourHomework, it takes me back to the good old school days where we had an assignment to prepare on. Our parents or the tuition teachers would go through them thoroughly and we would happily go back to class. All of this happened so seamlessly that it rarely gave us an opportunity to reflect what was happening around us. Well, that was all homework meant for us – some submissions and marks and we would forget about it. But now I reflect and wonder what would this homework mean for our parents – what would be going on through their mind when we tried our hands at the homework – what did they think was going to happen to us in the future.
Honestly I think sometimes a big fuss is made out of careers for the younger kids. The moment they are born, there is a constant pressure to study well, try and score the most marks, top the class and so on. We rarely understood why this was all done but now maybe it all made sense for the goals they had in mind for us. Well, maybe they did do that quite consciously because they had a goal for us to achieve and they took us in that way. When I asked my parents what they wanted me to be when I was young, the answer was – A Doctor and truly I never wanted to be one – I went on to become an engineer instead. And then went on towards entrepreneurship. For a long time, I realized that I didn’t have much of an idea as to where I wanted to go from there and now am headed towards an MBA from a reputed university.
So, if someone talks to me about plans, I might actually make fun of it, but I do reckon that our parents did their own share of homework, their own planning as to how they can help us or set us up to the goals we want to achieve for ourselves. They gave us a choice and an option to choose from so that we had enough flexibility and leg room to pick something which we would like in the future. So, now I realise when someone says – Do Your Homework, it doesn’t necessarily mean just for the kids and the students, but parents too. The site takes you clearly through the Why What and How of the planning. The WHY is explained through a simple straight forward video clearly elucidating the purpose. I found the calculator quite impressive which talks about what the plan might mean financially. The WHAT of course might change with time, but it sure helps to be prepared with choices so that as parents, they are not in for a shock when the moment arrives.
Of course we say that passion is the most important thing for career, the finance plays a very strong role in making the choices with lesser hassles and planning sure goes a long way in this direction. The early investment in the education awareness can go a long way in setting children up for a career they desire. It won’t answer all questions, but it will make sure to provide some feasible options.

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True, not only the kids but now, we parents need to do our homework as well to keep ourselves updated and to make proper plans for the future… :-)
Hey thanks for sharing this bit of info..