Diwali: Be The Light of Your Life

Happy Deepavali/ Diwali (Depending on the region where you live :) )

The very thought of Diwali brings the beauty of rows of lights light up everywhere, with delicious food at home, new dresses, gifts, messages from well-wishers and unlimited fun with family and friends.

The festival celebrated after the summer harvest is undoubtedly the brightest festival of the year. How nice to have a 5 day festival! Starting with Dhanteras (worshipped for well-being and prosperity) on the first day, Naraka Chaturdasi (to mark the killing of evil) on second day, Diwali on the third day, Diwali Padva(celebrate wife–husband relationship) on the fourth day and ending with Bhai Duj (celebrate sister–brother relationship) on the fifth day.

For Hindus, Diwali may be a day of significance which indicates the  return of Rama from exile, or the return of pandavas from exile, or to worship lord Lakshmi for prosperity or the worship of Kali in the name of Kali Puja or it may be the start of New Year for a few parts in India. For Jains it is a significant day when Mahavira attained nirvana. For Sikhs it is the day to remember Guru Har Gobind, who freed himself from the prison of Islamic ruler and arrived at the Amritsar  Golden Temple. We have many such stories to tell the significance of Diwali. I am sure you have your own version and I have mine.

Don’t you think this enhances the beauty of a country, to have many cultures and rituals and yet celebrate on a same day as a mark of illumination over darkness, a mark of hope over despair, knowledge over ignorance, and good over the evil?

Be The Light Of Your Life

The fascinating part of Diwali is gifting someone. No, I am not marketing about any e-commerce website. I am talking about gifting anything that makes you happy and others and most importantly something that works out with very little money (Gifting some extra care and love can work great for you and others)

Let’s try gifting ourselves with that something which we always wanted to do but couldn’t because of our fear. Fear is nothing but the ignorance of our own capabilities. Now, doesn’t it suit with the theme of the festival? Mark of knowledge over ignorance?

Let’s replace the negative thoughts or inferiority of one with positive emotions and light up our spirits? How about removing the darkness of life with the illumination of new spirit?

How about hoping for a better us and better tomorrow instead of cribbing over past?

How about banishing the old disappointing self to bring a brighter, charmer you to life?

The reason why I say “Be The Light of Your Life” is because you are very important to yourself and your family and to the better you is sure to bring more happiness and love :)

I know, now I am going a little too much than required…..Let me stop here. Before you start scolding me let me wish you a happy Diwali whole heartedly. Enjoy the festival :) and do give a thought about reforming something.

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4 thoughts on “Diwali: Be The Light of Your Life”

  1. last year i would play eco friendly diwali ………….. making rangoli dont fire crakers………….. that diwali had been so special for me

  2. Last year Diwali I did enjoyed the Diwali with those poor kids and family, I distributed sweets, candle, etc. with them and did enjoyed a bit of crackers as well with them. Unfortunately this year I was so hectically busy that I did not get the chance to do so :) Wish from next year I will do so every year….

    • Sorry for the late reply Alok. I don’t know how I missed reading this. What you did is commendable. Keep the good work in progress. I think it is a nice way to teach your kids about the social conditions and issues. Celebrating with your family with the poor kids will make them happy and you will be contented :)


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