Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy you: Our difficulties don’t have a vendetta to chase you and to bring you to your knees. We are all born with a few challenges and opportunities. And there’s no saying when they will stop – but these difficulties have a reason. Sometimes, they test us and check whether we are ready for the journey ahead. No worthwhile goal was ahcieved through ease. Each of these goals are difficult and perhaps we value them so much only because we achieved them through so many challenges. The most important thing to remember is that these difficulties don’t come to destroy you. They will challenge you and make you doubt yourself. But you have to find a way to stand tall and face these challenges in life:
Difficulties in life do not come to destroy you, but to help you realise your hidden potential and power. Let difficulties know that you too are difficult
Abdul Kalam Quotes
Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy you
I’m not making fun of these difficulties. These are the reasons why we have challenges right? The only way to go beyond them is by facing them and winning above them. We don’t have a choice. However, the one thing we can do is – decide how to face these difficulties. There’s a world of difference in being afraid of these difficulties versus facing them head-on with an attitude that says – bring it on.

We can take that personality and fight for what we are worth. Ultimately, it is upto you to fight for your dreams and desires. Show these difficulties how tough you are and what makes you worth it? Sometimes, these difficulties just want you to grow and take on better things in life. You can be afraid or fight – if you give up, you lose the game even before you play. The difficulties are not out there plotting to destroy you. In fact, they don’t even care because the goal demands its own toil – if you don’t give it, someone else will. The question to ask is – how badly do you want it? – As Randy Pausch says – the brick walls are there for a reason – you have to find your way around them.
Difficulties help you realise your hidden potential and power
We plan based on what we know. Sometimes, we underestimate our capabilities and don’t give enough credit to our hidden potential. This is what Kalam is talking about in the meaning of this quote. The hidden potential doesn’t always need a nurture. Sometimes a rude shock can make us perform beyond our expectations.
Do what you need to to support your spirit. But before giving up – give your hidden potential a chance – it might have something to say. You may be surprised how creative these difficulties can make you and help you get closer to a larger goal. It always sounds difficult when they happen. But when you take time, something magical can happen and create a pathway for something even more powerful. Give that hidden potential a chance – let these difficulties lead the way to find your hidden potential.
Let Difficulties know you too are difficult
These are the final words and perhaps the most powerful statements about difficulties. They will come and go and we don’t have any control of them. The only thing we can have control on is the way we react to them. Our choices are to run away or face them head-on. Let difficulties know that you are difficult and don’t give up so easily. Perseverance is one of the top skills, whether it is business or personal life. We have to find a way to keep moving.
The more we move or live, the more difficulties of different varieties come to us. We can’t avoid them all. But we can respond to them and become strong – this is where you can let difficulties know that you too are difficult. Don’t let them rule all over you – instead persist, fight back and take a stance to own your world
Difficulties in life do not come to destroy you, but to help you realise your hidden potential and power. Let difficulties know that you too are difficult
Abdul Kalam
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