Deal With The World The Way It Is, Not The Way You Wish It Was! – John Chambers

Deal With The World The Way It Is, Not The Way You Wish It Was!

John Chambers

It would have been pretty simple and straight forward right? A world of our own. A world with no disappointments, rejection, challenges, a perfect world where life is completely the way we define it.

We all have a grand plan for our life are very passionate about it. It will be amazing to lead a life as per our plan, as per our thoughts. There would be nothing to worry about at all. We talked about How To Stop Worrying And Start Living in our past debates, but then realize that worry appears from a problem and the problem appears when life seems a little different than the plan we have for it.

But then again, that is perhaps the beauty of life. We don’t want to limit our life just to what we think we are capable of. Sometimes, when we are pushed out of our comfort zone we realize that life is asking a lot more from us. True, it appears as if life is testing us and putting us through unnecessary trouble, but how else would we realize the problems?

I mean there should be something which tells us that what we are doing is wrong. There must be something that tells us that we can mend something to repair our lives and its problems, there must be some feedback mechanism. If we look at the biggest achievements of our lives, we realize that all of these achievements had tremendous amount of problems associated with them. All these achievements at some point told us that we are incapable of even getting close to them.

All these achievements at some point mocked us, made fun of us and even made us doubt ourselves. But there was something beyond these silly messages that kept us going. Something that kept telling us we are better than that. Something that made us get out of our couches and get into action.

No wonder we all like a perfect world. It means that we will never have problems in our lives. But if there are no problems in our life, then what is the point of it. What is life without a few challenges. If that was the case, if everyone was living a perfect world based on their imagination, there would be no scope for any improvement at all.

In the end, status quo would have been the ideal solution to everything. There would be no inventions, no discoveries, no realization of how strong we are as people, no realization of how much we mean to someone else. Cos life becomes that easy, that simple or so we think. But simplicity comes at a cost of complexity, it comes at a cost of understanding that life is just that sometimes. It comes at a realization that no matter how hard we try, sometimes things go wrong and we need to find a way around it.

Above all it brings out who we really are, the real juice of what defines you and me as a person. So, instead of wondering why this or why that, ask that one question which John Chambers does, life gets a lot more meaningful than that.

This is our thought for the day. Stay tuned in for more..


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16 thoughts on “Deal With The World The Way It Is, Not The Way You Wish It Was! – John Chambers”

  1. Absolutely right Vinay. As much as we idolize a perfect world, we have to accept and live with the fact that the world is imperfect ..and in that we have to mould ourselves to function as perfectly as possible,

    • Thank you Somali. I guess we do that cos again it will be a lot easier if we do that. Or atleast we feel better without actually solving the real problem. That again simply makes us feel better without actually giving a real solution which is bound to blow up in our face in the future. The onus is on us to take care and make those changes and hence make that difference

  2. “Perform the best/smartest in the given situation” These words by John Chambers reflect the same and inspire us to make the most of this world . Nice and a wise post Vinay :)

    • Thank you Kokila :). It is upon us to do the best with what we have instead of feeling bad about what happened and how it happened. We all need to step up at some point cos the challenge is never gonna get away on its own ever..

  3. It’s better to take the world as it is and deal with it. As we can’t change it according to our norms, this is the wisest thing… also it is an acid test for our determination and inner strength… :-)

    Great post, Vinay… :-)

    • Thank you Maniparna. It is always upon us to take charge of our life and lead it in the direction we want to. Sometimes the external factors are way out of our hand to deal with and rightly so or else we would end up messing that as well :D :)

    • Thank you Gowtham :). Although very challenging and difficult, I guess we all have to train and condition ourselves to be that. Or else, it is very easy to lead someone else’s life and crib about it.

  4. Thanks vinay nagaraju for this article…i was wondering for the same..wasn’t able to get any logical answer to this question..dat why we can’t live int he world of our imagination and acc. to our plans… n now i got the answer… :) really made my dayy…and got some positivty

    • Hi Sonam. It is not every day we get to see such a wonderful compliment on our posts. The greatest ones we receive are the ones when people connect and derive value out of these posts and I am really very happy to know that this was able to make a slight difference. It indeed is an honor to be reading this. Hope to see more of you on this forum :)

  5. In this world good and bad, compiles and simple, crooked and straight coexist. We must accept the world and change ourselves to deal with the world.

    • He he true Abhijit, everything finds a way to co-exist and that also means that we will always get a choice as to what we can focus on – whether the good or the bad and that defines our perspective of the world and hence our world as well.


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