You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.
Maya Angelou
I’m a huge fan of this quote. Before I delve into details – id certainly admit that I’m not the most creative person in the world. In fact I’m someone who likes being dogged and get to the end result. I believe thoroughly in the power of perseverance. It will be a very interesting discussion to try and connect the two contrasting ends esp where creativity is considered an expression when mind is free
Creativity: Building the muscle
I’ve often loved this analogy by Tony Robbins where he refers to building a muscle. Every trait, behaviour was at some point a new one which we tried to embody and learn.
At the first instance we’d have probably been pretty bad at it. We might not have noticed because we liked doing it and weren’t particularly being very objective.
But if you look back, there might be events which have led you to an expertise. These might have been the tools used, people we met and the conversations we had.
Perhaps most of these were done subconsciously without a specific awareness since it came naturally. What if you’d want to extend the same capacity where you train yourself into something which is not perhaps your core strength?
Born Stars: The gifted souls
I do admit that I’m a bit jealous of the gifted souls – only to realise how hard they’ve worked to get there. I suppose we’ve been fed the fairy tales and the belief of advantages and being born with a silver spoon.
Yes it does give them a few advantages but that doesn’t change the fact that I’d like a quality of life or experiences which I want. Just because I was born in a different place or different opportunity is not a Justifiable reason as to why I cannot have certain things.
Sorry this is not a rant about luck or preferential treatment. It is about the need to develop the skills where we’d need to get to. If we strongly feel about the outcome we want, we’d at some point need to trace back and create opportunities which make that happen.
If not, we’re telling ourselves a big fat lie or a ridiculous rationalisation which doesn’t change the end result. The question then is what’s more important – the outcome or the reason why we cannot have something ?
Trained expertise

I’m a tremendous believer in this. Probably this is easy for me to believe because I’m not tremendously gifted. But I do like to have the opportunities and results which I feel strongly for.
Sorry this is not me being greedy – this is just me being adamant and telling myself that if I have a strong enough reason why, the how is a way to get there.
There is nothing stronger than repetition to improve a skill. And I don’t mean mindless repetition – that’s useless.
It is about continuous improvement and change. After all, everything including ourselves must grow. Or else it’s merely a wastes of time.
Your thoughts
Apologies if I sound like being on a rant, but I’d really like to know your thoughts on skills and transferable gifts. I’m often an adamant soul when it comes to these but I do love an alternate view of thought and have a passionate desire to know what drives that thought.
You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.
Maya Angelou
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