Boonaa Mohammed:”I Just Kill You All..With LOVE”

Boona Mohammed is a critically acclaimed award winning writer, performer, activist and entrepreneur. He conducts writing workshops and seminars, sharing his experience and expertise in Spoken Word story-telling with mainly youth from all walks of life across the world.

Here is one of his poetry which will touch your heart.

Boona Mohammed will teach you how to kill people… with love

A few beautiful lines from his poetry.

Show me a stranger, and i’ll show you a friend that you haven’t met.

Why would you hate when love just costs less?

The muscles it takes to make a frown make more work than to just turn it upside-down.

I am a psychotic serial lover.

This respect thing is just what I do.

Fundamentalism still begins with fun

I just kill you all….. with love.


It’s good to see young voices coming up to spread the message of peace, to love people beyond their race, to build a world without terrorism. On one side you see people fighting for land and religion whereas on the other side you see people from the same two countries win Nobel Peace Prizes.

“I am not a terrorist! This makes no sense” If you say this, well…. I agree it doesn’t make sense as we are not the decision makers to stop firing at the borders, no one hears our plead and cry. I agree they don’t. We aren’t powerful enough to take situation under our control and make peace agreements. “Then what best can we do?” Maybe we can love people more, much more than yesterday. Maybe we can give the best of us to them. Maybe we can show them the beauty of love one day. Maybe help them grow better. Maybe we can stop differentiating them for their caste, creed, race and treat them all equally. Maybe we can prove their beliefs wrong someday. Maybe we can stop calling a religion by the name of terrorism. These ‘maybe’ might not bring a revolution all at once but every single act of love helps, for it may just be a little something for us to give, it may be a lot something to the ones who receive. Spread love, spread happiness.

Before I leave, here is a powerful quote from Jimi Hendrix,

“When the power of love overcomes love of power the world will know peace.” 


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