Be Yourself Quotes: In this article, we talk about a variety of be-yourself quotes. The central theme is to find the courage, conviction and passion to be yourself. Ultimately, this world will offer various challenges that try to convince you otherwise. Although it is a hard task, this article aims to motivate you to find the strength and courage to be yourself.
Be Yourself Meaning
What does it mean to be yourself? The most common meaning of being yourself is – to act naturally, according to instincts and character. Although it sounds simple, we are constantly influenced by the world around us. Society, peer group is the biggest influencer on our personality. The purpose of being yourself is to identify your values, strengths and what truly aligns with your definition of who you are as a person.
Another important part of being yourself is self-acceptance. Acceptance comes at the cost of understanding our strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes, we tend to show strength in order to meet some expectations including our own. Being yourself is hard work – it also means exposing your vulnerability and being open to its outcome. Unfortunately, sometimes the outcomes are not fair – but that’s how our characters are built right. We will take on the world as it comes and find a way to be ourselves.
Be yourself quotes
This is the central part of today’s article – quotes about being yourselves. I hope this curation of be yourself quotes gives some motivation and reflection to find our strength. Being yourself demands strength, conviction and a fight to establish our values. We need the support of the environment, our peers and friends at times to show us who we are. But the deepest strength required to be ourselves is deep within. We have to find a way to get to it somehow.
Below is the list of be yourself quotes – you can download this presentation and feel free to use it. I would deeply appreciate a link back to this article as it helps us grow. But please use the presentation, its images as you feel fit.
Some more be yourself quotes
A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval – Mark Twain
It all starts from what we’re okay with, doesn’t it? At any point of decision, we’re constantly thinking – is this ok with me? Does it align with my values? Sometimes these questions are subconscious, but every decision point is asking you something. It seeks your approval.
To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness – Robert Morley
Falling in love is a work of continuous effort. As we debate in the definition of love quotes, loving oneself or anyone else takes time. It comes back to understanding your innate abilities and truly respecting them. If you can’t fall in love with yourself, then perhaps ask – what can I do to make that happen?
Loving yourself isn’t vanity. It’s sanity – Katrina Mayer
Loving yourself is sometimes defined as selfish. Isn’t love a mere act of giving? If you don’t have a way to love yourself, then how can you give something that you don’t possess?
Be yourself, everyone is already taken – Oscar Wilde
This is my favourite be yourself quote – we don’t really have a choice. Being ourselves is the only way because even if you try to be someone else, it will be a poor attempt at imitation. An original always has a better value than a fake one.
The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself —Mark Twain
This might speak to the motivators of feeling lonely or alone. It is an awful feeling to be lost and constantly trying to be something else. There’s great value in finding peace within and evolving.
The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely —Carl Gustav Jung
Accepting oneself is a hard task. It demands that you accept everything – including the things that you’re most ashamed of. Sure, you may not like that part, but unless you accept that it is you – growth will not start.
If there’s one thing I’m willing to bet on, it’s myself —Beyoncé
This is probably the best quote to end this segment of being yourself short quotes. Nothing is certain, but you can always work on yourself, improve and bet on the ability to constantly move forward and keep pushing.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Love yourself quotes
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. – Buddha
Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others – Parker Palmer
How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you —Rupi Kaur
Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we’ll ever do – Brene Brown
If you don’t love yourself, nobody will. Not only that, you won’t be good at loving anyone else. Loving starts with the self. – Wayne Dyer
To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.” ―Oscar Wilde
Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world – Lucille Ball
Don’t change so that people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you
Naturally, as social creatures, we are defined and influenced by the society around us. It is unfortunate that society imposes such demands on us consistently.
It is a difficult balance to maintain between your internal desires and the requirements of society. A key point to remember is that society can only be an indicator. It cannot drive and make decisions for you. If you are feeling that society is standing in way of your individuality and being yourself, it is time to act.
The action can be about rebelling against society or moving out of it. The choice is ultimately yours, but nothing should suffocate your internal emotions and freedom of thought. We go into more detail about this in our article on the Freedom to make mistakes.
Don’t change so that people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you
Enchanting Quotes
If you can’t be yourself you are NOBODY!
This segment of being yourself quotes is about establishing your core values and thoughts. All of us are made of these values and influences. Your personality is shaped and based on your life experiences so far.
Look within and see which are the most important values for you. Are you living up to these values? More importantly, are these values yours? Do you want to be known for these values or were they forced upon you?
Although it is nice to be a part of society, it is equally important to maintain your own values. If you don’t have space for them, you are creating a vanishing existence for yourself.
If you can’t be yourself you are NOBODY!
The biggest challenge in life is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else
In this segment, we briefly touchback on society and its influence on you. Society forces you to change and mould into its rules and definitions so that it can be strong as a group. However, there is very little care or value for your individuality in society. This is something you’d need to fight for. Given a chance, society will erode your individuality and make you into a standard offering.

However, you gain very little from it. In fact, in the end, the same society will cast you away for your lack of individuality. Why would you want to give up control of your life and values on something so silly?
The biggest challenge in life is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else
E E Cummins (Source)
Don’t chase people, be yourself and do your own thing and work hard
This section of be yourself quotes presents motivational words from Will Smith. The past few quotes talk about society and its impact on you. However, this quote is about change.
We talked briefly in one of our earlier posts about separating the noise from feedback. In this instance, you need to consider distractions as something to be ignored. If you keep changing for everyone else in your life, your individuality will be lost.
It doesn’t mean that you can afford to be rigid. You need to be aware of your core values and what you stand for. If anything is affecting these core values, you need to defend and stand strong. Don’t chase people that come your way and change your values and core beliefs. The only reason you can justify changing these core beliefs is if they help you elevate your standard and quality of life.
Don’t chase people, be yourself and do your own thing and work hard. The right people, the ones that really belong in your life, will come to you and stay!
Will Smith
To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others.
This quote is about acceptance. Being social creatures, we crave peer acceptance. Society is a strange mix. It can provide conflicting messages about being yourself.
You have to protect the beauty within and ensure that it is in a safe space. Each individual has immense beauty in them. This quote is about identifying this beauty inside you. Once you do that, try to protect this inner space and belief. Don’t let easy influencers change this about you.
To be beautiful is to stand tall for everything you strongly believe in. Sure, change is a normal process, but it doesn’t need to be done for acceptance. The only acceptance you need to thrive for is yourself. The rest of your peer group will find a way. Also, you don’t need to be a part of every peer group. You just need the one which can accept you for who you are.
To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.
Thich Nhat Hanh,(Source)
Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy!
You might have already heard this quote in different shapes and forms. In this segment of being yourself quotes, we highlight the value of your individuality. The quote itself is self-explanatory. You can find more details about this quote in a related post: Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy!

Although the original is more than a copy, I would go further and say that it is pointless being a copy. At best, you can only do a shabby job of being someone else. Instead, why not spend your energy and motivation on things that can establish your individuality?
These be-yourself quotes are not just about impressing how great it is to stand for your values but also to establish the need and necessity to do that.
Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy!
Suzy Kassem
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not
This quote talks about acceptance and appreciation for who you are. Sometimes, we mould our beliefs to fit into the society and people around us. It can be driven by the fear of exclusion from the group of people we want to be with.
Although it can provide you with a short-term gain, you need to ask this question – How will it hurt me in the long run? Each one of these changes you do to fit in is a compromise on your values and beliefs. Investigate whether these changes are elevating the quality of your life.
You don’t want to change so much that everyone likes you and the only person who doesn’t is yourself. It is and has to be the other way around. Your own thoughts of acceptance are more important than the society and people around you.
It is better to be hated for what you are than being loved for what you are not
Andre Gide
BE YOURSELF! No one can ever tell you that you are doing it wrong
This quote about being yourself hardly needs an explanation. We are usually measured against a standard in society and civilisation. Sometimes, these standards are based on role models who influence us and some other times our desires.
Whichever is your key motivator, it needs to be centred around you and your dreams. You cannot let your individuality be defeated for some short-term gains.
You have the best chance at being yourself. No one knows about yourself and sometimes even you don’t unless you give yourself the freedom to be yourself. Let yourself free to discover and find out who you are
BE YOURSELF! No one can ever tell you that you are doing it wrong
James Leo Herlihy
You were born Original, Don’t die a copy
This segment of be yourself quotes impresses the beauty and need to maintain your individuality. Just like everything else, even your individuality will be put to the challenge.
There will be times when we tend to experiment with this individuality and even convince ourselves otherwise. All these are ok as long as they are centred around your core values. The constant question you need to be asking is – how far away am I from my core values?
Another question to ask is – is this taking me to the life of my baseline standards? We explore in detail how to create a personal vision for yourself. Look into this vision of yourself and see where you stand. It will help you maintain your individuality and personal journey in line with your passions.
You were born Original. Don’t die a copy
John Mason
Why fit in when you were born to stand out?
This is the last quote in our segment of be yourself quotes. Individuality is a fascinating thing – it has the signature of your personality and character written all over it. You’ve been given this gift to make something of.

Instead of succumbing to the pressures of your environment, stand up to what your individuality is calling for. It will provide you with the necessary motivation and drive to keep you focused. You’ve got one life, one opportunity to make a mark.
Don’t waste this opportunity leading someone else’s life no matter how close they are to you. After all, why do you have to fit in when you’ve been born with such uniqueness in your character?
Why fit in when you were born to stand out?
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Hi Vinay,
Reading the articles from Inspire99 is a part of my morning schedule.It fills in me, so much of positivity and i look forward to accepting any challenge that comes up for the day.
Thanks a lot for this beautiful initiative!
Thanks so much rini. Its comments like these which make our efforts worthwhile. To know that our posts can have an impact like this is a great achievement for us and wed like to do more and more of it :) .. If you’ve any thoughts or suggestions or a post you’d like us to make, pls let us know and it’ll be an absolute pleasure to do that . thanks so much rini :)
All the related quotes are just wonderful. I think ‘being yourself’ is the first step to self-esteem and self-respect. If one can’t respect his own self, it’s almost impossible to earn it from others… :-)