How To Deal With a Stagnant Life – 5 Simple Solutions
Stagnant Life: This post is a response to a question posted on quora about how to deal with a stagnant life. At some point in our life, I am sure…
Stagnant Life: This post is a response to a question posted on quora about how to deal with a stagnant life. At some point in our life, I am sure…
Maybe It's My Fault: I feel quite enriched today sharing this Michael Jordan Video - a simple 1 minute Nike commercial which makes you think about a few things which…
Control Your Destiny: "You control your destiny, you don't need magic to do it. And there are no magical shortcuts to solving your problems" "You control your destiny, you don't…
Perseverance Is a Great Element Of Success "Perseverance is a great element of Success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to…
The moment someone says - #DoYourHomework, it takes me back to the good old school days where we had an assignment to prepare on. Our parents or the tuition teachers would…
Let Go of Past: "You can never run away from your past" How many times have you heard people say that? "It is something we all have to live with.…
Motivational Videos: 15 Phrases You Will Never hear successful people say! It is often very hard to make a segregation between successful and unsuccessful people. Although, we from inspire99 shall…
Guilt! Guilt is one of the most powerful, strongest and the most difficult emotions to overcome in life. No matter where we are, no matter what we do - there…
The Office Performance Review I was reading this post - 7 Awful things leaders do to their employees and it got me thinking about the performance review during the end…
Disapproving Parents: Well, that is something I believe we all would have experienced atleast once in our lives. The situations where parents don't completely approve or understand of what we…