MBA Preparation and MAT – Management Aptitude Test
MBA is always a BIG decision to take, esp when you are considering a shift in career and investing a considerable amount of money in fees. So, it does make…
MBA is always a BIG decision to take, esp when you are considering a shift in career and investing a considerable amount of money in fees. So, it does make…
The Trick With Decisions! I have always believed that decision making is one the most important challenges we all face, at any stage of our life. As I was growing up,…
The Unjust Unfair World! It is funny how our values, thoughts and perceptions keep changing over the years. I remember that in my formative years, I was taught that life…
RKN - A Magical Author As I read this post on The Better India today, about RK Narayan and celebrating his 110th birthday, it gives me immense pride to draw…
Rashtriya Khel Divas It sounds so much better than calling it the National Sports Day. It feels like there is a ring to it when I say Rashtriya Khel Divas!…
ProudofMyColor It feels really good to see such a topic trending on twitter today - Proudofmycolor - Such a nice thing to say and actually embody it. I believe there…
The headline disappointment I was quite shocked as I read the headline which said marathon runner OP Jaisha who ran 8kms and there was no one at the finish line…
Independence day is always a very special memory. I can't help but try to imagine the emotions that would have gone on, the spirits flying high, pride and the satisfaction…
The written word provides one of the best ways to immerse yourself in inspiring messages and ideas. Since the beginning of time, humans have been sharing stories to help their…
I think my knowledge base is increasing widely as far as the abbreviations go :D. Fear of missing out, I didn't even realise there was a thing like that. But,…