Presentations in a small business and startup

Presentations in small business: This discussion talks about the use of google slides for presentations as opposed to licensed software. During the early days of startup, we were resource crunched making us rely on freeware. The first thing that came to my mind to make presentations was using google’s free software. Now, we have better choices such as Canva that can help make even more beautiful presentations.

Respect: Insist upon it from everybody – Maya Angelou

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I respect myself and insist upon it from everybody. And because I do it, I then respect everybody, too. Maya Angelou I have a huge amount of admiration for this quote. Every emotion has a huge significance on our mental construct. Respect is one such which can go a long way. Most times we are … Read more

Defeats: Encounter them but don’t be defeated – Maya Angelou

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We May Encounter Many Defeats But We Must Not Be Defeated – Maya Angelou. This post explores the meaning and definition of this quote. Of course we all face failures and defeats in life. Do we just roll over and accept everything that comes our way?

Doubts: The only limit to our realisation of tomorrow-Roosevelt

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“The Only Limit To Our Realization Of Tomorrow Will Be Our Doubts Of Today” – Franklin Roosevelt:

What do these doubts mean, how can we use them and more. Doubts merely tell us about the reality. Sometimes, they exaggerate them and sometimes they warn us. Ultimately these doubts are present to help us make a decision. If you are looking at it any other way, then you are making a mistake

Attitude of Gratitude, Thank You – Brian Tracy

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An attitude of gratitude – that has a very nice ring to it. Brian Tracy says: 

“Develop An ‘Attitude Of Gratitude’. Say Thank You To Everyone You Meet For Everything They Do For You.” –  Brian Tracy
As always, we love to tear apart a quote and try to understand how it impacts us. Today’s selection is the inspirational words from Brian Tracy about the attitude of gratitude and the power of Thank you.

Visualisation: Imagine your life is perfect-Brian Tracy

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We talk a lot about visualisation, imagining and defining an ideal life. We love striving for a higher standard in life. Our lives are way too precious to settle for something smaller and naturally there is a constant strive to do more and be more. On this note, our quote of the day is from Brian Tracy

Imagine Your Life Is Perfect, In Every Respect; What Would It Look Like?”

– Brian Tracy

For Every Reason it’s not possible – Jack Canfield, Quotes 101

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As the love for quotes continues today’s discussion is on Jack Canfield’s motivational thought “For Every Reason It’s Not Possible, There Are Hundreds Of People Who Have Faced The Same Circumstances And Succeeded.” We are constantly presented with challenges which make us question the ability to succeed. Circumstances and challenges are inevitable, how we deal with them makes the only difference that counts. Join us on this discussion to explore the meaning of this quote and how it impacts you.