Attitude Vs Skill: 3 Primary Factors for startup recruitment

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I rate enthusiasm even above professional skill – Edward Appleton Attitude Vs professional skill The world of startup is a fantastic one, its challenges are fairly common – lack of resources and huge ambitions. Quite a toxic combination if you ask me, but I am amazed each time I see the temerity to make things … Read more

Is Grad School in Your Future? 5 Tips to Help You Prepare

Attending graduate school can be a difficult decision to make, but once you’ve decided to expand your knowledge and further your career potential, it’s time to get started on the application process. Take some of the complexity out of applying for graduate school with these helpful tips: 1. Research Potential Graduate Schools Thoroughly  The time … Read more

The 7 Steps of Hoshin Kanri

Author – Jessica.  A huge part of your business success is planning and the execution of that planning. The best business plans need to evolve and adapt to changing markets and setting big goals for your business is going to better prepare your business for growth. The process of deciding on these objectives and working … Read more

Corona Virus: Startup Fundraising amidst a pandemic

It is no news that the spread of corona virus has been extremely quick, with very little time for even the larger economies prepare for. With news about shops shutting down on the high street, jobs being lost – we can see signs of global recession kicking in. It seems to now head to a … Read more

Corona Virus – Impending Recession?

Impending Recession : Amidst the genuine fears of rising infections rates and the speed at which the corona virus spreads, an added concern which has started raising some questions – Does this mean that business is heading towards a recession? The service industries have already taken a hit, airlines have stopped flying. Quite often, there … Read more

Step out of the history that is holding you back!

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Step out of the history that is holding you back, step into the new story you are willing to create Oprah Winfrey History is a rather weird friend to have. It can be very supportive if you have memories of success, achievements, running ahead of the competition and literally making a mark for yourself. On … Read more

What is an ideal pricing strategy for a startup?

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Normally, there are two ways to arrive at the price for a service/product in the startup phase. This discussion focuses on cost-based pricing in startups with a fundamental question – is this a valid method of arriving at your price point?

5 Legal Tips for Small Business Owners

It is essential that every business owner takes steps to ensure that their company is operating legally. This can be a complex and daunting aspect, particularly for first-time business owners. Additionally, there could be various legal issues that your company encounters, which means that you need to know what these are and how you can … Read more

Rule of thumb for UX: More options, more problems

Rule of thumb for UX, UX in startup, startup design, startup software, software design in startups.

“Rule of thumb for UX: More options, more problems.” — Scott Belsky, Chief Product Officer It’s been a nice find to run into this post with exciting quotes on user experience. It has touched upon different facets of design and on today’s quote, we touch upon the rule of thumb for more options in a … Read more