It’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring!

Comfort zone, decision making, being absolutely ridiculous, being boring, going with the crowd, taking difficult decisions, playing safe

Came across this lovely quote from Marilyn Monroe today . Context of most of these quotes are usually hard, but we will try and tune it in the line of personality development. It is of course quite a catchy line – it is better to be absolutely ridiculous. I would like to look at this … Read more

Why do we need to label emotions – Good or Bad?

labelling emotions, good emotions, bad emotions, what do emotions mean, accepting emotions, ted talk - good emotions vs bad, emotions are a call for action

We are somehow driven into a habit of labelling emotions as good or bad. But aren’t emotions just what we feel? If we are labelling them, are we limiting our options and bullying our emotions only to feel a certain way? Aren’t we imprisoning our minds in the name of emotional labelling?

How Duct Cleaning Companies Use Candidate Tracking Software to Find the Best Applicants

Duct cleaning companies clean the ducts of both commercial and residential businesses, usually by attaching a specific vacuum system to the duct system. This process removes the buildup of dirt, dust and even mold and pathogens from the duct system, which can be irritating or even harmful to a building’s occupants.  There are a variety … Read more

Customer Service: Why be nice to your customers?

Nicer to your customers, customer feedback, customer development, switching cost, tipping point, customer churn. startup advice, startup lessons, be nicer to your customers

“Be nicer to your customers than your competitors.” -Richard Reed, Co-Founder of Innocent Drinks Today’s favorite is a quote from Richard Reed about customer service. ‘Be nicer to your customers’  I do agree this sounds like a cliche. However, most of the cliches are out there for a reason. They do deliver an ounce of … Read more

3 Key Components of Near Term Goals & Business Strategy

focus on near term growth, covid crisis, business uncertainty strategy, business strategy cost cutting, reducing costs in business, long term vision, short term decisions

The post assumes a higher importance owing to the current economic uncertainty  As we all know, the after effects of COVID 19 have slowly started surfacing and we are hearing about pay cuts, redundancies and a few other scary words in the market. As a business, these are certainly pressing times. The economic recession has … Read more

Learning by doing: 4 Tips for Skill Development in a startup

learning by doing, skill development, startup advice, startup lessons, startup experience, accelerators, online courses for skill improvement, startup resources, you don't learn to walk by following the rules, learn by doing and falling over, richard branson startup quote, startup quotes

Discussion about key resources available for learning by doing in a startup. For a boot strapping startup, it is very essential to have access to free resources for skill development. The skills alluded in this discussion are tangible sources such as online courses, mentors and business accelerators.

Some of these resources can be put into use straight away and provide a direction for your startup to grow. Most resources highlighted in this section are free or have a boot strapping route highlighted.

What Startups Need to Know About Trademarks

This article is a kind contribution from Pete McAllister  Startups and their founders have a lot to juggle, with multiple projects to be across while building the foundation blocks of your business. From finding an office space to hiring the right people, to developing an online marketing plan, as well as building relationships with clientele. … Read more

There’s always someone better – Startup Competition

humility in startup, being humble, don't be cocky, there's always someone better, someone better, competition in startup, hiring challenges in startup

A key part of being an entrepreneur or the initial days of pitching ideas hone the concept of USP – unique selling point. The focus of a USP is a huge part of a startup which makes us constantly focus on being different. It is a fair ask because most of the investors will want to know how we are different and what makes us stand out in the test of time.

3 Factors in Managing Employee recognition Vs pay hikes

good wages, robert bosch wages quote, startup quotes, short term vs long term, pay hikes, increased pay, collaboration in companies, price of trust, cost of trust, trust in team building, ceding control in management, taking advantage of a situation, long term view, not just about the money, trust in organisations

I don’t pay good wages because I have a lot of money, I have a lot of money because I pay good wages – Robert Bosch This quote has a very beautiful impact in the aspects of recognition, reward and a beautiful long term which some businesses miss out in the realm of achieving short … Read more

Done is better than perfect – Agile Delivery and Releases!

Done is better than perfect, perfection in project management, agile processes, agile delivery, acceptance criteria, continuous improvement, acceptable quality, never going to be perfect, startup quotes, agile inspiration, startup inspiration, startup lessons, startup advice, agile processes, agile delivery, definition of done, project timelines in agile

Done is better than perfect – Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook Done is better than Perfect! This quote echoes with the agile business philosophies which I feel so dearly for. All entrepreneurial experience so far has been about getting things done. Although there was always a huge focus on quality of produce, it was more important to … Read more